Nametag: Newly Launched Instagram Marketing Features


Kevin Urrutia




January 18, 2025

Instagram has launched its new feature called Nametag, which has been created for their user, to make the app easier and to promote them among the other social media’s. Generally, every social media including Twitter, Facebook, Snap Chat, Instagram, WhatsApp and several others introducing various features to attract their users. These new features are mainly to become popular, to become more user-friendly with their users. The one thing users to do are updating their concern app. To use this Feature in Instagram, one has to update his/her Instagram app manually with the latest version. In this article, we discuss the Instagram nametag feature briefly in step by step procedures.

Step one:

The very first step to be followed is, update the Instagram with the newer version in order to enjoy the nametag feature and other features introduced by the application provider.

Step two:

Once updated, what we have to do is log in to one’s profile, in the below screen, it is given the option

  • Home
  • Search
  • Add
  • Favourites
  • Profile

Choose profile option and in the topmost right corner, we are able to see the menus

  • Archives – it is like a clock
  • Nametag – it is like a square with the four sides corner frame
  • Discover people – like a head
  • Settings – like a usual menu form

In that name tag has to be clicked, then some steps to follow to achieve. Once it is followed, this step can be changed as per the users wish.

Step three:

Once the Instagram new feature is opened, we can notice the different themes available and we can customize them as per our wish.

The following are the three options for our customizing

  1. Emoji background, in that we can choose any available emoji as background.
  2. Selfie, in which a pair of glasses image shown, on tapping we are getting different stickers
  3. The colored background like Instagram stories.

Step four

On choosing any customizing options, it can be set and can change as per wish. These options can be shared with WhatsApp, facebook, linked in and so on.

Once this new feature is created, we get into the line and get connected and discover the other people easily. We can discover the others profile instead of searching using underscores, different name, and confusing spellings, we just scan with the other profiles (added their phone near to you) just clicking the name tag and scan their name tags using the back camera and connected with our friends easily. This name tag feature supports on both Android and iOS. It is the Instagram nametag scanning using one’s phone camera to visualize the code of others profile in their mobile.

Instagram nametags for promoting a business

In the above, we have discussed how to use the nametag customizing and discovering new friends. We can use the same the nametag option is also promoting a business and also for a business promoting Instagram accounts.

Instagram advertising can be done via Instagram newsfeed and Instagram stories. Additionally, the nametags feature allows us to find the new people instantly by scanning their profiles. Moreover, Instagram has the option of finding the people on Facebook. These added features help them to create the customers using a single search. And as well we can promote our profiles through the facebook group also. In order to run a business, we should promote the things what we are doing and what we are delivering, regular speaking up of things and always connect with the friends and followers and interact with them infrequently or at least with the possible time.


The Instagram nametag is a feature after the introduction of the snapshot QR snap code scanning method. Similarly, WhatsApp also allows the scanning QR code to open the WhatsApp in windows. Hence every social media is site introducing new features frequently in order to retain their users and provide them various technologies to update themselves and also connect with their pals using the features. Formerly Instagram expands its features beyond bio and profile link. Hashtag trending is also famous for Instagram; using these hashtag one can express their love, passion, hatred or profession and so many other things. Example for some of the trending hashtag using commonly in the Instagram is #makeuptutorial, #guitarlove, #dinnertime, etc. These hashtag encourages the user to spend more time or look deeper into this topic and also prolong their time in this app. It is the success for the app developer, by developing the things based on the user’s demand. Thereby creating interest in that particular product. It leads to gaining new followers and finding new people.

Likewise, the introduction of the nametag scan also makes the users gain peoples and get introduced or getting more familiar with the already known peoples. These new features are introduced for the company’s profit and for their promotions. It also helps to build relationships and one can also share their one’s expertise like one can share what they know and educate others by sharing the known facts from our end and also get known to the new things by seeing the others post. Thereby educate yourself. We can connect anytime and anywhere, that is the easy and instant connection, and these media providing general fun and enjoyment. It not only provides fun element it can easily reach to ma amount of people. Hence a good or bad thing, it reaches all we want is uninterrupted signal or network.  But overusing of this media can increase the peer pressure of the human body, hence increasing curiosity and anxiety, and also cause cyberbullying.  Several steps have been taken against cyberbullying. Also, it provides information overflow or overwhelms. Hence one should know how to use these features and also know how not use some features, then only, one should can enjoy the development of these technologies. Hope this article is informative, share with your friends and let make us know the things by leaving your comment.

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