5 Tips To Increase Conversions Using Facebook Ad Images


Kevin Urrutia


Digital Marketing, Facebook Ads


August 15, 2024

You might feel like you’ve tried everything already.

Improving your ads’ headlines, adjusting copy, trialing different ad placements with different audiences.

Yet conversions still aren’t increasing.

Something to consider then might just be your Facebook ad images. You see, around 80% of your Facebook Ad’s real estate is dominated by images, so ensuring that it is optimized to be as eye-catching and engaging as possible makes absolute sense.

And in this post, I’ll show you some ways to make them more appealing to your audience.

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.


1. Include your logo and branding

A tailor-made design is an ideal way to take ownership of ads and make them stand out more clearly

above the “noise” of other ads on Facebook. In addition, it can be used to highlight the brand through your logo and company colors, which captures the user’s attention.

This is even more relevant when it comes to Dynamic ads, as these are often displayed to previous visitors who have a prior knowledge of your brand and therefore a greater chance of recognizing and responding to your brand’s ads.

Remember, Facebook ads are paid per view,  so it’s all about grabbing every chance to show your value – both directly through sales and indirectly through branding.


2. Add promotional messages

The messages you add to your Facebook ads don’t just have to be included in ad copy. Adding relevant labels to your ad images will not only make them more eye-catching but will bring home the message you want to get across.

Particularly around major holidays, you might be surprised at the number of brands who run Facebook ads that add these relevant messages to their product images. Simple, familiar phrases like “free shipping” “Best seller” or “Black Friday sale” will draw the eye and will be more likely to lead to conversions.


3. Show discount pricing

You have, on average 1.7 seconds to get the user’s attention, so the more visibility you can immediately create, the more likely you will succeed with your goal of increased conversions.

Giving a visual overview of the discount you are offering provides your viewer with an immediate idea of how much they are saving by clicking through to your product.

By including the discount percentages which a shopper was gaining by clicking on the ad, one client was able to increase Facebook conversions by 15% in a year.


4. Use Contrasting Colors to Grab Attention

I know I mentioned that branding and logo were crucial to a Facebook ad increasing conversions.

But if your ad image features colors that blend with Facebook’s color scheme, there is a big chance that it will disappear on the page.

That’s why featuring colors that contrast and stand out on a page, will make sure that your users will notice it.

Adding bright, orange borders to your product images will make your images pop. Don’t believe me? Check out the image below. Orange is complimentary to blue and therefore gives the greatest contrast to Facebook’s color scheme.

(Image courtesy of Buffer)


5. A/B Test your changes

The tips mentioned so far have all proven to increase conversions time and time again. But if you don’t measure what you are changing, how will you know what had the greatest effect?

A/B Testing is the final building block of increasing conversions. You need to proactively monitor your ads performance and stats to optimize and improve your CTR.

Watch its metric performance for a set period of time to determine which variation performed the best, and then take actions accordingly.


The last step

If you are running multiple Facebook ads for lots of different products (and let’s be honest, you probably are!) it’s going to be a long and time-consuming process to try and improve your ad images one by one with some of these tips.

That’s why WakeupData have created a tool that lets you apply these eye-catching borders, logos, pricing, promotional text and more to a single image template.

Those templates can then be easily applied to all other relevant products in that ad set.

Let’s say you are running a one-time offer for post-christmas sales for certain branded items in your feed. With an image transformation tool you simply create a template and apply it to those items which contains the brand and details of the promotion.


Then you can sit back and watch those conversions begin to increase!

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