4 Ways to Overcome Facebook Ad Fatigue and Attract More Conversions


Kevin Urrutia


Facebook Ads, Marketing


August 15, 2024

You scroll and scroll through your Facebook feed, and you see dozens of ads along the way. It’s not that you don’t like ads. Facebook ads, in particular, are great at targeting your interests. It seems like the moment you think of getting something new, Facebook is suggesting it… right there in the feed.

Some people are so overwhelmed by Facebook’s ability to target their interests that they believe the platform is spying on their conversations.

It was impressive at first, but the users are getting tired of ads. When they get overly similar ads, in particular, they feel like they are being pushed to buy something they don’t want. That’s one of the reasons why the effectiveness of your Facebook ads is decreasing over time. People are getting tired of your message, so they start ignoring it.


What’s Facebook Ad Fatigue, Exactly?

Facebook’s algorithm aims to serve fresh ads to its users. Of course a user will see an ad from the same publisher multiple times. But when they become less responsive to that ad, they’ve reached the level of ad fatigue. From that point on, you’re starting to see a reduced ROAS (return on ad spend).

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

No matter how brilliant your campaign is, it will eventually reach that point. That’s why you mustn’t treat Facebook ads as a campaign you set and forget. You continuously work on it, so it will keep surprising you with its effectiveness.


4 Ways to Ensure Facebook Marketing Success by Combating Ad Fatigue


  1. Refresh the Target

Facebook ads are very flexible, so you can change pretty much every aspect you’ve set up. Of course you’ve already identified your target audience, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t rethink that strategy.

  • Go to the ad set level of the campaign and click Duplicate.
  • Now, adjust the preferences regarding the audience you target.
  • Use this opportunity to test new audience, with interests similar to the ones you already targeted. This will expand the outreach of your ad, taking it to an audience that’s not tired of it yet.

Now, the question is: why would you use the same ad instead of making a new one to target a new audience? Cathy Horvat, part of the marketing team at Assignment Holic, gives us the answer: “It’s all about social proof. With the refresh method, you keep the shares, comments, and likes from the old ad.”

  1. Refresh the Offer

From time to time, it’s important for you to change the offer you present to your target audience. You can include another discount code or feature different products in the ad.

It doesn’t matter what stage you reached in the advertising sales funnel; you can always refresh the offer. Here’s how that’s done:

  • Navigate to the ad level of the campaign.
  • Choose the ad you want to refresh and click Duplicate.
  • In the Duplicate window, you’ll be able to set up the offer change.
  1. Refresh the Objectives

If you’re trying to reach out to a new category of your target audience, you’ll need to change the objective for your Facebook ad campaign.

  • Go to the campaign level of the ad campaign you want to freshen up.
  • Just like you’d do for refreshing the offer, click Duplicate.
  • If you want to change the objective only one time, make one copy of the ad.
  • You’ll get a menu where you can edit the objective. If, for example, you were focused on store visits, maybe it’s about time for you to set up the objective to Conversions.

But don’t take that recommendation literally. You’ll plan the objectives for your campaign in a way that corresponds to your marketing plan. If you need help with that part, you might need to rely on a marketing expert. If you don’t have one in your team, you can easily hire someone from Paper Writing Pro.

  1. Refresh the Copy

When you want to refresh the Facebook ad with the intention to combat fatigue, the previous three aspects are the first ones you think of. Those are technicalities. But what about the creative side of the ad? It needs an update, too.

So let’s say you already hired writers from DoMyWriting to create an ad copy, and it worked for some time. When you’re ready to change this element, you can request another writer from the same service, so you’ll spice things up. But you may also try another writing service, such as XpertWriters.com. You’ll be surprised to see how a new writer approaches your ad from a whole other angle. They will give new life to your campaign.

So this is how you refresh the copy of your ad:

  • Again, you’ll need to create a duplicate of the ad you want to update.
  • You can switch the format from an image to a video if you want to go that way. You can also opt for a carousel ad, which will feature multiple products.
  • The content is important, so include a more creative call to action.


Keep Working on Your Facebook Ads; That’s the Only Way to Long-Term Success

Ad fatigue is something you can’t avoid if you keep placing the same ad over and over again. People will get tired of seeing it, so the performance of your campaign will go down. But you don’t necessarily need to create new ads. You can keep the social proof from the old ones if you update them.

The good news is that Facebook makes everything easy. So why not use the opportunities you get?


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