Mobile Marketing (Explained)


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

Most of you reading this post are probably using a mobile device. In fact, more than 80% of the world’s internet users own a smartphone.

This creates exciting new opportunities for mobile marketing.


Mobile is disrupting the way the world engages with business and brands. Instead of returning home at the end of the day to boot up a slow loading computer, people can switch on their phone and browse instantaneously.

Opening emails, messaging friends, playing games all this and more is being performed on mobile devices every day.

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

By the end of 2015, Google saw mobile search queries surpass desktop search queries. So, if there’s ever a time to start marketing on mobile, it’s now.

Creating a Mobile Marketing Strategy

To be effective with mobile marketing you’re going to need a plan. Mobile marketing requires you to understand your mobile audience, the content specs that suit mobile platforms and incorporating strategies for SMS/MMS.

And, don’t forget, in all things related to marketing, the more personalized the message the more powerful the impact. That’s why the first step to creating your mobile marketing strategy is…

Defining Your Mobile Buyer Persona

Are your buyers on Android or iOS? Are they young adults or single parents? Do they live in Palo Alto, California or Paris, France?

These are the kinds of questions you need to ask when creating a mobile buyer persona.

Buyer personas are fictitious representations of your ideal customers. These are hypothetical and can be improved using real data. You should create a profile for each specific type of buyer, which includes information such as:

  • Background
  • Job description
  • Preferred type of content
  • Goals & aspirations
  • Pains & problems
  • Reason for downloading app/visiting website
  • Objections
  • Experiences throughout the purchasing process

By focusing in on your ideal buyers’ online habits and behaviors, you can use this information to create highly targeted ads. For example, you can pinpoint certain times of the day your buyers use their phone, how often they are on it, and so on.

Set Your Goals

The key to a successful mobile marketing strategy requires a clear definition of what success looks like. Identify the goals you want to achieve then map out the actions you will take to achieve them.

Here are some questions to ask you and your team:

  • What data or past experiences does your business have with mobile marketing?
  • Do you have SaaS marketing plan?
  • How did those projects perform? What worked? What didn’t? What should be changed? What should be removed?
  • What is the main objective of your mobile marketing? Increase web traffic, app downloads, or in-app purchases?
  • Who are the key users you are going to target? How are you going to reach them?
  • What metrics can be tracked such as ACOS and measured to determine whether this strategy is a success?

Working through these questions can help you establish Key Performance Indicators and Benchmarks to focus your mobile marketing efforts.

Why Focus on Mobile Marketing?

Here’s something to consider. Today, 89% of mobile time is spent on apps while 11% is spent on websites. This is why many businesses and brands have turned to app developers to create innovative apps to reach their customers and drive more sales.

We mentioned this in our guide to Mobile App Advertising style=”font-weight: 400;”>, however, it’s worth repeating:

People are checking their phone every 12 minutes or about 80 times a day and spend as much as 220 minutes on their phone.

Image Source: FlurryAnaltyics

With so much time spent on mobile devices, marketing your business and brand is going to be an effective way to earn more revenue.

All you need is a clever app to attract these users to your brand and business.

Things to Think About

400;”>Mobile marketing is a rapidly growing space in terms of advertisers competing for placements and app developers competing for users. So, let’s look at a few things to consider when you start your mobile marketing:

Keep things personal.

Many mobile users keep their phone within arms distance throughout the entire day. They are quick to pick up calls and check messages from friends and family.

This is something for you to consider when crafting your mobile marketing messages.

How can you introduce your brand or business without intruding their personal space?

Mobile Friendly Websites

Is your website mobile friendly?

If not, you could be losing a significant amount of traffic, leads, and sales to your business.

Google recently rolled out an update offering mobile-friendly websites a boost in their search rankings. In fact, user experience is becoming the dominant factor that influences whether or not your website will be served near the top of a search query.  

Mobile users want to see apps and websites load within 3 seconds. Any longer than that, and you’ll quickly see interest drop and competitors considered.

Target Trends

What trends in your industry can you use to create compelling and relevant marketing messages?

If you’re unsure, you can use Think with Google to analyze trends and insights to see what users are searching.

You can also use Think by Google to test the speed of your site to improve user retention. Test your website with Think with Google

Types of Mobile Marketing

SMS/MMS Marketing. Sends a direct message in the form of text or multimedia (i.e. video or image). This allows you to send geo-location specific offers and reminders to your buyers.

Mobile Banner Ads. These are the same kind of ads you see on websites. They can also be used in apps and are much smaller than their desktop counterpart.

In-app Ads. There are a variety of in-app ads you can use to drive in-app purchases or promote your business in other, more popular apps via advertising networks.

Mobile Search Advertisements. Powered by Google Ads and other popular search engines, you can use paid ads similar to desktop search ads.

QR Codes. QR Codes are those square bar codes you see that send scanners to your offers, promotions, and app download page.

Social Media Ads. With a Facebook ad agency, you can create highly targeted campaigns for your ideal buyers using their deep data and buyer insights. For app owners, it’s recommended to use Facebook App Install Ads to drive more users directly to your app. You can also use Pinterest Ads and Snapchat Ads

Final Thoughts

Your buyers have mobile phones. If you don’t use mobile marketing, you’re going to miss out on a significant amount of sales.

If you’re looking for some new ideas to promote your business on mobile, try developing an app. You can find more ideas for Mobile App Marketing here.

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