10 Facebook Ads Hacks That Work


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

If you are running Facebook Ads but are not getting desirable results, there are many causes for this including not using the right tools and using the right tools but not in the right way.

In this article, we discuss some Facebook Ad hacks that will help you increase your ROI on your next campaign.

Facebook Ad Hacks

1.     Define and Target your Audience

Optimising Facebook ads alone won’t give the desired results. Targeting the right audience is a critical step to getting the best results.

Even if you target the right audience, you are required to follow up and make sure your ad target is working.

Use Facebook ad Reports to view a report for ad performance. It will break down your audience by the age and/gender to whom it was delivered, the action they took such as conversion device and/destination, and the time it was delivered – which can be daily or weekly.

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2.     Using Brackets

This is one of the most obvious hacks that any experienced marketer should identify very early. Wondering what are brackets? We mean: [INFLUENCERS ONLY]. Since Facebook does not support underlining, italicising, or bolding, brackets are the best way to help you make important things in your posts stand out.

Punctuation is not only fun but the best way to grab your follower’s and other Facebook users’ attention. Don’t overuse your brackets, and we recommend using the Facebook Hack (a) sparingly, and (b) as long as it is appropriate for your audience.

3.     Using Emojis

Just like brackets, Emojis will make your Facebook ads unique. Very few people have realized that they can use Emojis in their Facebook Ads, so they can stand out.

This one excels because Facebook is basically a platform where users are there to do stuff such as stalking their exes and watching crazy videos. By including some Emojis in your ad, you will make it look like the native content it ought to be. It will make your ad look little of an ad and more of a funny post.

Remember to only use Emojis Sparingly so they match your brand.

4.     Exclude a Call To Action (CTA)

So many people have written about the kind of CTA button to use in Facebook Ads.

While some say it is not good to use the “Sign Up Button,” others say that using “Learn More” will give the highest click-through rate.

But we guess you don’t know that you can exclude a CTA button from your Facebook Ads and still get great results. Doing this makes your content look more native as it ought to be.

By now, you should have noticed that the secret to excelling at Facebook Ads is making them look little like an ad as possible. By the way, most people are on Facebook to pass time so keeping it simple will give great results.

5.     Facebook Messenger Ad Campaigns

As much as this is basically a Facebook Ads hack, it‘s an opportunity that you shouldn’t miss.

While successful Facebook Messenger Ads are rare, the point is they can work. It is huge opportunity you wouldn’t want to miss.

In plain language: You can use Facebook Messengers ads to encourage and get more people to interact with your brand through the tool. For any user that messages your page, you should run ads to them that will appear a message in their Messenger app. This can be contrasted with building an email list, only that it is within messenger.

Studies show that FB messages have higher open rate than emails.

6.     Study your Competitor’s Facebook Ads

There is a conventional way to spy on the Facebook Ads your competitors run, just within the platform. Copying your competitors’ ads is discouraged because it may confuse your audience about which company the ad belongs to.


  1. Visit your competitor’s, Facebook Page.
  2. While on the page, go to the sidebar menu and click “Info and Ads”.
  3. Go to the region and change it to “Global”.

All your competitors’ Facebook Ads will be displayed. You should read them to get inspiration. This is one of the best Facebook Ads that many people still don’t know about.

7.     Facebook Messenger Placement

This hack is different from the Facebook Messenger Ad Campaigns discussed above.

This is a newer option, and according to history, new ad placements tend to perform well from the past before many users start using and abusing them. You can take advantage before it gets too late.

With this placement, your ad will be displayed in your audience’s Messenger app, just below the first few messages. As the platform shows only a few ads at a time, there are high chances your ad will stand out.

8.     Instagram Story Ads Placement

Instagram Stories Ads are one of the latest new placements and currently are working very well. All you need to place an Instagram Story Ad is excellent video content and voila!

If you lack the budget and time to create excellent video content, there are many pre-made animated Instagram templates to get you started quickly.

9.     Avoid Running Entire Ad Sets

Unless are sure your ad set isn’t working, don’t rush to turn all of it off. You may lose good traffic and revenue that was about coming.

When creating a Facebook Ad set allocate budgets, choose your target audience, create an ad schedule, choose a bidding option, and decide the place you will place ads.

Within the ad set, create ad creative so you can test and see which ones work with your target audience.

If you tailor your ads within every set to the right target audience – 6 ad sets with 4 ads each for example – you’ll have created 24 ads.

If you turn off the whole set will kill 4 ads – the ones that might have worked previously!

10.  Choose the Appropriate Ad Frequency

While there is no single scientific evidence for the frequency of your Facebook ads, you should try some of the common ideas.

The biggest issue is that, reach doesn’t your ad was seen on Facebook. It might mean it only appeared to them while they were using the site.

According to psychologists, for someone to remember something, they must have seen it at least 3 times. Based off this argument, you should show each Facebook ad 3 times.

Another problem is people tend to turn off ads or even label them as spam after seeing them too many times. Make sure you make an informed decision about the number of times an ad should appear to grab a user’s attention.

If you have no time for creating Facebook Ads or would like someone to do it so you and keep monitoring results and making changes until it is perfect, consult professional digital marketers.

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