Using videos effectively for each stage of the buyer’s journey


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

One of the newest and most popular trends in marketing is using video to get and promote sales. This has become much easier thanks to the internet speed increase and the steady rise of the online visual and video design industry. And this means, you guessed it, you’re going to need to hop on the bandwagon.

The good news is that while many people are doing it, very few are doing it correctly. And if done right, it will give you the edge over other companies, even though everybody has been doing it for some time now. And now, this article isn’t just for people who decided to advertise themselves using videos. People who have been doing it for years could always use a refresher course.

Discovering who you are

You first want to have buyers be aware of who you are and what you stand for. In other words, first impressions go a long way. It would be best to find a way to let your target audience know that you (and your product and service) exist.

You can do this with ads on social media, videos on YouTube, and proper SEO implementation. And a video can cement this. A good video will catch and grip their attention. One option at your disposal is putting out a “How-To-Video” relating to your product or service. It should be short, concise, and, most importantly, shareable. In this manner, hopefully, people will share it on social media and will then stumble upon your company. The educational video can even be something a bit different. It can be an instructional or educational video regarding your line of work a bit broadly. To give you an example, let’s say you make espresso machines. You can then post quick instructional videos for different types of espresso. Maybe even some history about coffee or espresso machines themselves.

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Another option is to forego the education kind of video and shoot for something more fun. This is much more creative and loose and is entirely up to your ideas. Of course, you can hire a good company, like a 1-minute video, to create one for you. This is useful since you want this entertaining video to catch people’s attention. It should be short, fun, and unique. People will not watch any ad that lasts more than a minute or two, no matter how interesting.

Considering your brand

You should focus on something else if they have already found your company. Namely, it would be best if you now fortified your position. First, you wanted them to notice you, and now you want them to stay. At this point in his buyer’s journey, a customer will compare your services and products with some other company. It would be best if you convinced them that you are the one they should choose. This previous step brought customers to your door. Now, you’re showing them around the house.

Here you want something much more informative. Set up a longer video that excitingly presents your stuff. Your potential customers are considering your brand now, and you need to help them choose. You can explain, in your video, what problem your product or service solves and how much better it is at solving it compared to other products from different companies. It should not be longer than 5 minutes, but that’s the only rule we can give you. It can be animated, an infographic, a live-action video… Essentially, go crazy, but remember the basics.

Making a decision

The third and final stage is where the buyer is supposed to decide. Will they buy your product or not? You want to hammer the deal home; you want them to buy your product right now. You can also present video testimonials of people who have already purchased your products or utilized your services, such as Facebook advertising. Getting a human face and voice out there will relax the potential customer and make them more secure. Try to avoid making the whole video corny and overdone. Be lighthearted, relaxed, and, if possible, funny.

Another option, which is, in a way, the opposite of the testimonial, is presenting your product or services in action. This is a bit different from the previous stage since you’re not comparing it with anything else anymore. You can be as flashy as you want and present your video excitingly. The last step was about logic and numbers, but this is about flash and emotion.

Extra step – sealing the deal, longterm

A part of the buyer’s journey rarely discussed is getting return customers. You want people to be pleased with your product, but you also want them to recommend you to their friends. And, of course, keep them coming back. While your actual product or service will carry the brunt of the work here, there are ways to seal the deal.

One of the things you can do is add people that bought your stuff to your mailing list. That way, you can send them a video with answers to questions customers frequently ask. Maybe send them some advanced instructional videos. With them, they can test your product in ways they wouldn’t think of.

Sending an advanced tutorial guide will undoubtedly be appreciated. Furthermore, send (somewhat) regular videos and material. Don’t spam them, and don’t send an email every day. But maybe once or twice a month, you can send some interesting content their way. So that you can remind them that you do exist and care.

And that’s pretty much it, folks. If done correctly, you will see how much your business will improve after video implementation. Follow the three stages, prepare content for each step, and you will undoubtedly see results.

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