7 Landing Page Optimization Tweaks that Will Improve Your Conversion


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

Not sure if your landing pages are hitting the mark? In this guide we will look at 7 important factors that you need to consider in order to create landing pages that convert.

Having a steady stream of traffic to your website is important, but it’s what you do with that traffic that really counts. Landing pages should provide users with access to relevant information and offers that funnel them towards your conversion goals.

Having a landing page strategy in place is essential to the success of your online marketing efforts. If you are generating a lot of traffic to your website but failing to convert them into qualified leads or sales, the issue could be your landing pages.

#1 Creating Effective Landing Pages in 7 Steps

Landing page optimization is a process that involves testing, refining, and improving each element of your landing pages in order to drive the online conversion goals of your business. As a business owner or marketer, the most important thing that you can do is continually test, record data and implement changes based on the information that you have collected.

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

Don’t expect to create effective landing pages without data. The most valuable lessons from your landing pages come from real-life testing and data accumulated over time.

#2 Simplify the User Journey

Before you start creating landing pages for your website, it’s important to consider what you want each page to achieve. Users who reach your landing pages should funnel visitors a predetermined conversion goal.

Think of your landing pages as a stepping-stone in the buyer journey. To avoid users bouncing away from your page, it’s essential that your landing pages lead them towards an action that aligns with a conversion. Irrespective of whether the goal is an online purchase, a phone call enquiry, or subscribing to a newsletter, you need to have a clear goal in mind when creating each landing page.

#3 Know Your Conversion Goal

Once the user has landed on your webpage, your website needs to have a clear call to action that funnels them towards the next stage on their journey. For an Ecommerce business this could mean having an ‘add to cart’ button, or for a service-based business this could mean having a ‘request a quote’ button or contact form.

It’s important to create a logical and cohesive experience for the user. If the user is landing on your page expecting to find more information about a particular product or service, then you need to clearly communicate how they can acquire that item or service. Before creating a new product or service landing page, think about these questions:

  • What action do I want the user to take?
  • Can the user complete this conversion goal on one page?
  • Is the action simple for the user?
  • How much is this action worth to the business?
  • Is there another page on the website that is already serving the same purpose?
  • How can this process be simplified?

#4 Keep it Above the Fold

According to a study conducted by Tech Jury, 63% of web traffic comes from mobile devices and tablets, which means that it is more important than ever to create landing pages that are easy to navigate on mobile devices.

Remember to keep the most important and relevant information above the fold (scroll). Most website visitors will skim your content, so ensure that the CTA buttons are easy to navigate to and they are not hidden between large blocks of content or below the fold. If you are a service-oriented business aiming to collect enquiries and customer details, it’s important to have your contact details or a contact form at the top of the page. For Ecommerce, ensure that the add to cart button is easy to navigate and customers have the option to keep shopping.

#5 Don’t go Overboard with Internal Links

Internal links are an important element of an effective on-site SEO strategy. However, when it comes to landing pages, it’s important that you are funnelling customers towards a goal — not a distraction. Testing from Safari Digital Sydney found that websites that over-optimized their landing pages with internal links had a higher bounce rate than those who kept them towards the bottom of the page.

On landing pages, it’s a good idea to keep your internal links away from the main body of content. Try to minimize the number of distractions that you are presenting to the user on their journey.

#6 Optimize Your CTA Buttons

Call to action buttons are an important part of an effective landing page. Make sure that the language that you use clearly communicates the action you want users to take. There are times when you can be creative and clever with your copywriting, but your call to actions shouldn’t be one of them. CTA buttons need to be succinct and direct. Some of the most effective CTA buttons include:

  • Send Enquiry
  • Call Us Now
  • Contact Us
  • Submit Enquiry
  • Join Now
  • Claim Your Offer
  • Free Trial

The more appealing the offer, the more likely that users will take action. Words such as “free” and “claim” are an effective way to entice and reward your users as you funnel them towards the landing page conversion goal.

#7 Utilize Customer Testimonials

Customer reviews play an important role in shaping opinions on the buyer journey. According to a study conducted by the PEW Research Center, more than half of adults under 50-years old will routinely check online reviews before they purchase a product, with 40% claiming that they will always check reviews before making a purchase. Conversely, fewer than 16% of US adults do not check reviews before making a purchase.

In 2019, it is more important than ever to make the most of customer reviews. Actively reach out to customers via email or phone (depending on scale) to source reviews and ask for feedback on a product page or business listing. User generated reviews on landing pages are one of the most powerful ways to boost the credibility and encourage users towards your conversion goals.


Creating effective landing pages take time, effort, and planning. This blueprint of landing page tips can help you figure out what works for your prospects and leads and how you can convert them on your offers.

Don’t forget to use data available through Google Search Console and Analytics as a basis for creating landing pages that your customers actually want. Making changes and improvements to your website based on real user data can significantly improve your conversion rate.

With these landing page strategies in place, you are well positioned to improve your search engine visibility and conversion rate.

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