10 Ways To Automate WordPress Tasks On Your Site


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

When your website is up and running – many things are done to create content creation, maintenance, security checks, malware cleanup, backups, comments moderation, and more. The good thing about it is that you do not need to do it yourself. Tools are available to help automate WordPress work, and you can automate a good part of website management using these tools. Let’s automate Word Press SEO functions to protect you in some ways without wasting time.

  1. Social Media Auto-Published

Most social media postings can be automated. You can organize it so that your social media accounts are updated and your content is automatically shared on various social media platforms. You can also automate WordPress RSS feeds after formatting for social platforms.

Automating social media posting should be part of your overall social media strategy. This allows you to take a break from social media without the readers who lose your presence. See our previous post for more help with automating WordPress social media functions.

A plugin that can help here is to revive the old post plugin. Once set up, it automatically shares new and old content in your social network accounts.

  1. Database Optimization

The database can begin bloating An important part of regular website maintenance is to clean up your database regularly. s soon as you add more and more content to your website. A bloated database slows down your site, while a lean database is more efficient in answering the query.

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You can rely on WP-Optimize to clean the database as often as possible. You can configure it to clear the unnecessary data and to configure it. To ensure your data is always safe, you can set up a plugin to automatically update backups before optimizing your database.

  1. Broken Link Examiner

Broken links to your website may seem commercial or old for your blog or website. A simple plugin and broken link examiner can scan your website, fix broken links, and automatically disappear images.

Moreover, the plugin is easy to set up and configure and can be disabled when needed.

  1. Schedule positions

Did you know it is unnecessary to log in to your WordPress to publish content? WordPress has built-in features that allow you to publish a post anytime.

Once you’ve completed a post, click on the View and Edit link published in the post editor. After that, you may verify the date and exact time when the position will be published. If you want, you can reset the post again. While you can do it for any post, setting a lot of time in the future is not a good idea. You may need to change the schedule according to the post’s relevance at the time of publication.

If this is a plugin you like, then try the free editorial calendar. This allows you to drag and drop your ready-to-published posts into the scheduling format. You will also have an overview of scheduled posts and will be able to manage your posts from your authors and multiple authors, check the status of each post and make them edited quickly

Another option is CoSchedule, a premium plugin that allows you to schedule publishing posts and auto-auto-auto-publish the media.

  1. Backup

Backups sleep at night without worrying about your website. How you back up your site depends on the frequency at which you post your content. A good security habit is setting up a schedule to back up your site. Not all this; you should keep several copies of backup versions at different locations and test them quickly.

Plugins are the best choice for backing up WordPress if you are not on a managed hosting plan. You can store backups in a safe off-site location and restore them when necessary. Backups can back up your entire WordPress installation, and you can set up a backup schedule to run automatically.

Updraft plus is a good option if you prefer a free plugin. Our Post Series Beginners Guide for WordPress includes a detailed post on how to back up your website.

  1. Stop spam

Spam can be a drag on your SERP. Although spammers are a fixed lot, they will always look for ways to get to your site. This is why WordPress has pre-installed its powerful academic anti-spam plugin in every WordPress download.

After installing WordPress, you must activate the plugin and get the API key. After that, the plugin regularly checks for comments in comments and contact form submissions.

But if you are not a fan of Akismet, you should know that there are other plugin options to prevent WordPress spam that can deal with logging efforts, subscriptions, registrations, bookings, and more.

  1. Communication

Much of our time goes into writing a mail to our team members and colleagues. You should try Slack, an online productivity tool that helps streamline communication between your online communities, organizations, groups, and media accounts in one place.

Making it easier for WordPress users are Slakabot-like plugins that work as a channel between your WordPress and Slack accounts. In addition, you can set up custom notifications in Slack to publish different WordPress programs, such as updates, user registrations, or posts.

Slack works fine with social media platforms like Twitter and Drillb and apps that track website performance or uptime. We have posted a post on integrating WordPress with Slack so that you can read more about it.

  1. Updates

It is essential to update your WordPress for both the WordPress website and display. WordPress releases regular updates, and they appear as notifications on your dashboard. When you choose to automate WordPress updates, they are given significant attention in the background so that you can save productive time.

By default, minor updates are automatically for WordPress, although this is not the case for significant updates. Regarding themes and plugins, default updates are disabled by default. It is possible to tweak the options or use a bit of code to turn automatic updates of core, themes, and plugins on or off. Our Quick Guide to updating WordPress can help with it.

You can also turn on automatic updates using the Easy Update Manager – together or selectively. This plugin overrides all updated related settings. This allows you to manage WordPress Corps, themes and plugins, development updates, translation updates, as well as all updates to some third-party plugins.

When it comes to theme themes or premium themes or plugins from CodeCanyon, then the Envato Market Plugin can help automate updates and WordPress installation. We have covered this deeply in our Anvato Market Plugin Guide.

  1. Content Creation

It seems incredible that it is not that you can create content on autopilot. While it is not a good idea in many cases, it can prevent the creation of content for some sites, which are primarily present for reducing content from most sources. WP RSS aggregators, such as auto blogging plugins, can help you gather content and automatically publish it.

For example, you can subscribe to some RSS feeds of YouTube channels and offer curated content to your site to customers.

  1. Compress images

All those bright images on your site need to be compressed before uploading them to your Media Library. Byte huge image files can slow down your website. Plugins such as the Small Pixel Image Optimizer and the EWW Image Optimizer allow you to compress images automatically when uploading to the Media Library. They can currently compress the images present in your WordPress

If your site is heavy on images, these plug-ins may prove to be real time saver. If you want, you can refer to our detailed guide on image optimization to learn more.

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