How to Create a Slogan


Kevin Urrutia


Digital Marketing


August 15, 2024

What is a slogan?

A slogan is a witty, punny, or memorable catchphrase that represents a product or company. Great slogans are crafted with care while communicating the benefits you want consumers to associate with your business.

Why You Need a Slogan

Slogans help to improve brand recall and make your brand stand out. Consider them an opportunity to make a lasting impression on your audience. It connects them with who you are, what you do, and what you intend to achieve. Powerful slogans can do the following:

  • Reveal product/service benefits
  • Connect with emotion
  • Offer a promise or commitment
  • Be funny
  • Create a strong memory of your brand

Take a look at FedEx’s slogan: “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.”

Although this slogan is fairly long, it does a good job of being memorable. It tells you the benefit of choosing FedEx and makes a strong statement about their business: they’re fast and reliable.

Slogans like, “We deliver” doesn’t say anything meaningful and is too vague. Why would anyone choose a shipping service with that slogan when FedEx gets it there absolutely, positively overnight?

Slogan vs. Tagline

Slogans and taglines are often used interchangeably, however, they serve two completely different purposes.  Both identify a business, brand, product, or service for what they do. The difference is how it positions a company in their industry.

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  • A slogan captures a company’s mission, strategy, and how they help their customers. Slogans tend to be longer than taglines.
  • A tagline is a catchy phrase that evokes emotion and imagery about your business or brand. Taglines are memorable and easily shareable.

Taglines are typically used with a company’s logo and published throughout advertisements. The ultimate goal is to drive more brand awareness. In contrast, slogans encompass a company’s core values and promises which can be used as a company grows and evolves.

You may not need both a slogan and a tagline. But as you develop your brand, you might find a new slogan or catchphrase to promote during a campaign. Utilizing an essay writing service online can also streamline the process of crafting compelling slogans and taglines for your business.

Catchy Slogans Used Through Time

  1. iThink therefore iMac. 𑁋 Apple
  2. Reach out and touch someone. 𑁋 AT&T
  3. The Citi never sleeps. 𑁋 Citi Bank
  4. A diamond is forever. 𑁋 De Beers
  5. Shave Time. Shave Money. 𑁋 Dollar Shave Club
  6. The happiest place on Earth. 𑁋 Disneyland
  7. Buy it. Sell it. Love it. 𑁋 eBay
  8. Keeps going and going and going. 𑁋 Energizer
  9. We live to deliver. 𑁋 FedEx
  10. Imagination at work. 𑁋 General Electric
  11. Don’t be evil. 𑁋 Google
  12. Leave the driving to us. 𑁋 Greyhound
  13. Pleasure is the path to joy. 𑁋 Hӓagen-Dazs
  14. American by birth. Rebel by choice. 𑁋 Harley Davidson
  15. Solutions for a small planet. 𑁋 IBM
  16. Born to perform. 𑁋 Jaguar
  17. Twist, Lick, Dunk. 𑁋 Oreo
  18. Because you’re worth it. 𑁋 L’Oréal
  19. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 𑁋 Lexus
  20. Good to the last drop. 𑁋 Maxwell House
  21. I’m lovin’ it. 𑁋 McDonalds
  22. Got milk? 𑁋 National Milk Producers Board
  23. Just do it. 𑁋 Nike
  24. At the heart of the image. 𑁋 Nikon
  25. Live in your world. Play in ours. 𑁋 PlayStation
  26. I am what I am. 𑁋 Reebok
  27. Taste the rainbow. 𑁋 Skittles
  28. Obey your thirst. 𑁋 Sprite
  29. Eat fresh. 𑁋 Subway
  30. Outwit. Outlast. Out Play. 𑁋 Survivor TV series
  31. Be all that you can be. 𑁋 U.S. Army
  32. It’s everything you want to be. 𑁋 Visa
  33. Think small. 𑁋 Volkswagen

Tips to Create a Slogan

  • Use these 5-memory techniques.
  1. Rhyme: words that have the same sound.
    The best part of waking up is Folgers’ in a cup. 𑁋Folgers
  2. Alliteration: Words that start with the same letter.
    The daily diary of the American dream. 𑁋 Wall Street Journal
  3. Repetition: Uses a repeating word or concept.
    Have a break, have a KitKat. 𑁋 KitKat
  4. Reversal: phrases that include opposite meanings.
    Our food is fresh. Our customers are spoiled. 𑁋 FreshDirect
  5. Double-entendre: Words or phrases that are open to two interpretations, one of which is risqué, sexual, or indecent.
    Pleasing people all over the world. 𑁋 Holiday Inn
  • Highlight a key benefit. The purpose of a slogan is to differentiate your product or brand from competitors. It should touch on the general mission of your business and express the unique benefits it offers to consumers. Slogans can be the first point of contact with potential buyers, so it is absolutely necessary to emphasize your business worth. Isolate and focus on one key area if your business and incorporate that into a slogan.
  • Keep it simple. A slogan is only effective if an audience can understand it. Focus on using short sentences and short words because you only have a few short seconds to capture your audience’s attention.
  • Be honest. Honesty is important and valued by consumers. If you can’t deliver a statement your business won’t uphold, don’t use it. Statements like, “the best” or “#1 at what we do” is difficult to prove and rarely believed. So, find a clever way to express your business perks.

Steps to Create a Slogan

Step 1: Assemble Your Team

Gather your team for a brainstorming session and find ideas that reflects what your business does and the message you want to achieve.

Step 2: Define Your Values

With your team, define or review the core values of your business. Use this as a starting point to find segments of your business to create your slogan.

Step 3: Focus Your Message

Find one key area of your business you want to focus on. What features or benefits can be emphasized to make your business stand out from the competition?

Step 4: Assemble Your Team

Gather your team for a brainstorming session and find ideas that reflect what your business does and the message you want to achieve.

Step 5: Write Your Slogan(s)

Start writing. Use all your ideas to create variations of words and phrases. Take a moment away from the writing and return to it with a fresh mind. Filter the slogans that resonate with your business and fine tune if necessary.

As you create your slogan, focus less on the “content” of the message and more on the “memorability” of it. Without memorability, your slogan is unlikely to accomplish much. That is the key to a strong online brand.

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