How SEO and Facebook Ads Work Together
Wouldn’t it be great if, with a few minor tweaks, you could transform the impact your Facebook presence has on your bottom line?
Everyone knows that building a solid social media profile is crucial to establishing a reliable communication route with your audience. Most people understand that targeted SEO directly impacts rankings, but what happens when you combine the two processes? The result is a productive synergy which can mean more significant traffic, enhanced conversion, and ultimately increased brand loyalty. Luckily, there are several straightforward methods of maximizing the chances of engaging your target audience based on working with that SEO/social media combination. Take a look at five sure-fire tips to get your online presence fired up.
Let your ads do your SEO for you.
Got an ad on Facebook? Want to maximize exposure? The right keywords could help you do this.
– include keywords in the name of your brand
– add more keywords to the text which is included in your ad
– use phrases that drag the user towards further engagement – although many people are dismissive of “clickbait” phrases, the reality is that few people can resist the lure of a “you’ll be amazed by how she reacted when…” or “this one tip stopped a dripping tap in seconds…” type of sentence.
– keep phrases short and punchy to boost attention
Enhance brand awareness
One of the fantastic things about a Facebook presence is the number of people your brand will reach. As your links, posts, and other content are shared and commented on; search engines inevitably pick up on the activity surrounding your company and its activities. Known as increased exposure, greater awareness of what you about mean your business begins to stand out from the others. At first, this may not rapidly translate into more excellent sales; over time, intense brand exposure helps keep what you’ve got to offer firmly in the view of the people who need it.
Work those backlinks
Backlinks spread your message! Links to your website, blog posts, adverts or related social media accounts give readers the opportunity to engage with you on a range of levels. Your social media posts should be the jumping-off point for readers to engage with various other media you’ve made available to them. By adding suitable keywords or phrases to the backlink phrase, you not only provide a portal to more of your content, but you also begin to tick those hungry search engine boxes in two ways: SEO phrasing gets picked up, enhancing your chances of returning highly in a search; increased activity as users click through on what you’ve got to offer shows that you are an attractive brand, again enhancing your search engine profile.
According to Tom from UppercutSEO, a leading link building services agency, backlinks spread your message! Links to your website, blog posts, adverts or related social media accounts give readers the opportunity to engage with you on a range of levels. Your social media posts should be the jumping-off point for readers to engage with various other media you’ve made available to them. By adding suitable keywords or phrases to the backlink phrase, you not only provide a portal to more of your content, but you also begin to tick those hungry search engine boxes in two ways: SEO phrasing gets picked up, enhancing your chances of returning highly in a search; increased activity as users click through on what you’ve got to offer shows that you are an attractive brand, again enhancing your search engine profile
Pay for positivity!
You get what you pay for: paid-for copy, ads, and press releases ensure that your content gets put in front of an audience that will appreciate it. Frequently they will already be looking for the type of goods or services you have to offer and are receptive to your business. Paid-for work usually delivers quantifiable results, so you can see exactly what you’re getting for your money. Although initially, paid-for material costs money, it usually generates a snowball effect, eventually continuing to generate interest due to its momentum as it’s shared and commented on. Why not enjoy a positivity snowball?
Target your Facebook profile
Have you linked SEO and all your Facebook content? Many people confine SEO to blogs or sites, forgetting its crucial role on social media. Don’t make that mistake! Optimize ALL your social media information: from your title and sub-title to your profile; there’s always an opportunity to slip in a suitable SEO phrase. Try using Google search terms in some of your Facebook content and see the difference it can make.
Check the difference in search results between your site and your Facebook now; make some of the above changes; recheck in a few months to see if that gap has narrowed. For most businesses, synchronizing SEO and Facebook ads makes a demonstrable difference in rating positions for social media and site content. Start growing your online presence now with these simple, practical tips.