Why consistency in your marketing agency is essential in your success?

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Let’s talk about consistency in general for a second. What does consistency mean to you in your success? Think about a time when something wasn’t consistent in a product or service you received. Say an anti-aging company changes the ingredients of a product you have been using for a time; what’s your initial response when you hear they do so? It isn’t very comforting or nerve-wracking. You’re not sure why they decided to do so, but it makes you uncomfortable. What if they put an ingredient that makes your face break out? What if they removed a particular element that worked well for you? You start to doubt the product before even using it. Now you tell yourself, okay, well, I might as well try and see, and to add to your anxiety, it wasn’t the same after three months of usage. The product felt oilier in your hands as you were rubbing it on your face, it made your face stay oily longer, and you no longer could go straight to bed with it; you had to wait longer for it to dry. However, the product gave you the same results, just a different experience. What did you end up doing? Well, you most likely started looking for other alternatives. How can we tie that experience up with marketing? Well, say you’re marketing for a cleaning company, and you provide your client’s weekly progress reports and analytics. Your client is happy; they are in the loop and are informed about how their business is doing with you, calling for a brief 15 minutes to discuss the company’s overall health. He refers you to a few other friends with businesses, and you start expanding with referrals to a level where it gets harder to juggle tasks.
You were not ready to scale this fast, but you managed calmly. Maybe you reduced your workload by not calling every week to chat with your client about weekly reports. Instead of calling, you sent them their messages. They still received results, but they lost the personal touch you gave them. The client doesn’t know their health in detail and worries it may go down. Your results were the same, but your business process wasn’t the same; it wasn’t consistent. Do you see where consistency is vital in your marketing? What could you have done to stay consistent? Maybe hire another person, such as an office assistant? Or maybe get them to take on that part of the business? As you can see, consistency is critical in a marketing agency. You may still be able to provide results, but you start losing trust and commitment in your clients by making them feel like you won’t be able to offer the same service or result in the future if you’re losing balance and staying consistent.