How to Successively Market Online






January 18, 2025

Digital marketing encompasses a host of tools – far more than can be described in one article. But if you’re starting to promote or learn Internet marketing tools to build a career in Internet marketing, you need to start with the basics. The basics that work in any niche and for 90% of products. Let’s start with the three advantages of online marketing over offline marketing.

Advantage #1. Targeting ads

You can show ads, not to everyone but to your target audience. And at the moment when it is most interested in your product.

You can advertise to Shopify online store owners when switching to Shopify alternatives. Or you can promote a trip to an office manager who has been dreaming of taking a week’s vacation for the last three days.

By adjusting filters by geography, gender, age, job title, income level, and interests, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

Advantage #2. Interactivity

All life has been online for a long time now. You correctly with customers, see and respond to their feedback online and use, and. Interaction is tighter, and control over the situation is more significant.

Advantage #3. Analytics

You always see how well this or that promotion channel works. Moreover, you can analyze the results by day and night. You can also see the results of any advert or mailing list and the behavior of every particular visitor.

You can change the entire strategy by disabling what doesn’t work and changing the ad display settings. Now, let’s consider the three steps with which any marketing begins.

Step #1. Determine who your target audience is

You can’t sell services and products if you don’t know who your customers are. It is not enough to know their gender, age, and city of residence; you need to know three more criteria:

  • Interests – Pepper Ninja will show what groups your customers are in, topics of discussion, posts, and comments. With special software, you can see everything: what the person is breathing, what they’re discussing, with whom, and for what. Priceless information. This is the realization of the last century marketers’ dream.
  • Ability to pay – social status directly affects the sites for promotion, pricing, style, and presentation of advertising texts. The product must be affordable to the client, and advertising messages – to be on the same wavelength as him.
  • Problems – If promoting a tire fitting shop, list motorists’ problems. If a women’s clothing store – study the situation in urban stores (perhaps the main problem – is the availability of quality fashionable clothes) and finds the best clothes and things to sell online. Understand the customer’s problem, offer a solution, and they will come to your store.

Step #2. Study your competitors and the market in which you are going to work

When you study the strengths and weaknesses of your competitor’s products, you will understand what unique product you can offer your customers. Analyze your marketing moves – you’ll understand how to compete with other businesses in your niche.

SpyMetrics will help you – it will show you what your competitors use, the amount of their traffic, and where it comes from. With its help, you’ll understand your competitors’ and your weaknesses and strengths.

Step #3. Choose the best tools to start promoting

Digital marketing is a set of tools:

  • Targeting ads.
  • PPC advertising.
  • Email marketing.
  • Viral marketing.
  • Cooperation with bloggers.
  • SMM in Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
  • Forums and thematic communities.

We can’t list them all at once.

Beginners risk getting confused and taking an expensive, challenging path that will not yield results. If you’re starting, start with something simple:

1. Social media

That’s how you’ll take a step toward customers, be able to connect with them and get your first loyal brand fans. It’s almost free at the start – you don’t have to build a website, figure out complicated ad setups or register offline outlets.

But it’s not as easy as it sounds at first glance. Creating an exciting community will take a lot of your time and energy. You will respond to comments and private messages, create content, and provoke subscribers to activity.

2. Website and Landing Page

On a landing page, you present your service. One page for everything – the potential customer immediately sees your offer and a call to action. This is cheaper than an entire website but not suitable for everyone. If you offer an expensive multi-step service, a landing page will not work, but it can help you make a step toward the client.

The more complex and expensive the service, the more information the client needs to decide in your favor. A website would better serve a construction, real estate, or consulting company with a lot of content that covers customer objections.

The site and landing should be as simple as possible because we need it for one purpose: to get the information in the most convenient form. Don’t overload pages with different-sized fonts, don’t dump a lot of content on one screen, make navigation and buying as simple as possible, and optimize the site.

3. Email marketing

Collect the base of customers through the site, communication in social networks, messengers, and on the phone. After a while, you can start email marketing. Through it, repeated sales are made.

Offer customers free classes, one-time access to paid materials, discounts, and share secrets. It is inexpensive and relatively simple. But you have to understand that the mailing should not be spam but must be of value to the client.


The Internet marketing market is constantly changing. We have described the minimum necessary to help you make your first money on the Internet.

But you need to invest at least six months in selecting tools and creating a sales system that will work best for your niche and leave your competitors far behind.

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