How to Increase Productivity in a Digital Workplace


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

In the digital world that we live in, 24 hours a day is not enough to handle all the job responsibilities. When you have your work in your pocket all the time, getting overwhelmed and entirely consumed by it can contact you very quickly. So, how can you leave your work at the office where it belongs? Well, you can improve your productivity and get everything done before your deadlines. Luckily, boosting your productivity isn’t super complicated, especially if you try and use technology to help you on your way.

Take plenty of breaks.

This one might sound fake, but taking plenty of breaks can make you more productive. Great apps (such as Pomodoro) and day planners can help you with your scheduled breaks and give your mind and body a chance to relax and unwind. You can also relax by visiting a gaming site such as National Casino. Giving your regular brain rest will allow you to maintain a good level of focus throughout the day, while working without a break leads to a significant decline in performance.

Follow a two-minute rule.

If you want to improve your productivity, you have to pay better attention to your time management. Since not all of us have excellent time-managing skills, you can try the “two-minute rule.” If you see a task that can be done in two minutes or under, don’t delay it, but do it immediately. If a job takes two minutes today, there’s a big possibility it will take more tomorrow. Try implementing this rule, and you’ll see that your workload is decreasing and your productivity is increasing.

Try different ways of working.

When you feel stuck in a rut, a change of scenery can be just what you need. Luckily, with all this technology, it’s possible to work from many different places, not just your office. You can work from home, out of a café or from a completely different country. Remote working will provide a more flexible environment that can boost your job productivity and awaken new motivation. According to research, employees who work from a place other than the traditional office report over 90% more productivity than their colleagues.

Include exercise into your day

Regular exercise keeps you fit and strong, but it also has other benefits that might not be as obvious as weight loss. Physical activity can better every aspect of your life, including productivity in the office. It helps with focus and gives you extra energy to tackle all your work obligations in record time (however contradictory that might sound). Activities like running are especially significant because they give you a beneficial surge of serotonin called a “runner’s high” that will make you feel energized and happy. Plus, running can be done anywhere and anytime, and you don’t need any special equipment. However, it’s practical to download one of the great running apps that will help you record your times and give you tips on your technique. Your phone and some good running shoes are all you need to boost your productivity at work!

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Remove distractions

Technology is an excellent aid in our everyday lives, but it can also stand in the way of our productivity. When you have all the fun videos, memes, and blog posts at your arm’s reach at all times, it’s hard to stay focused on your work. The easiest way to eliminate distractions is to limit your use of technology. Mute your phone, and turn off notifications and all unnecessary tabs. You’ll have plenty of time to catch up with your social media when you get home early from work.

Break the habit of multitasking

Here’s another fact that might sound counterproductive: Multitasking can decrease your productivity at work. While you think you can do more by tackling several tasks simultaneously, don’t be surprised when you experience the opposite. By jumping from task to job, from your emails to your spreadsheets to your conference meeting, you can lose plenty of time and achieve subpar results. So, commit to one task until the end and move to a second project.

Use your commute wisely.

If you’re a morning person and don’t need three hours and three cups of coffee to wake up, your commute can be a perfect time to get ahead of your work and boost your productivity. If you have a long commute that does nothing but bore you, stay away from Facebook or mobile games and tackle your emails. You can also use the time to get into work mode and create your daily to-do list, research projects, or brainstorm ideas.

Increasing your workload to do more at work might be tempting, but it’s not helpful. Instead, take a step back, solve the problems that prevent you from being productive, and you’ll notice your performance soar. The trick is in working smarter, not more complicated!

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