How to Grow Your Business Using SEO Advertising Strategies
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Nevertheless, while sometimes confusing, with over one trillion searches happening every single day and nearly 75% of them all through Google, there’s no denying that SEO is important. Today, we’re going to explore exactly how you can use this essential process to your advantage.
We’re going to look into exactly how you can grow your business using SEO advertising strategies, enabling you to make the greatest return possible.
Use Non-Intrusive Ads
While you want your audiences to see your ad content, and you’ll put a lot of effort into creating ads that resonate with your viewers, you’ll need to make sure your ads aren’t included. If you’re filling up pages with banners and pop-up ads, you’re going to drive people off your website, thus increasing your bounce rate.
“A Panda survey found that small, subtle ad websites were far more effective and highly ranked than websites that displayed big ads across and within their content. Bear this in mind when choosing the design of your ads” explains Michelle Harper, an SEO marketer for 1Day2Write and Brit Student.
We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.
Implement Pay-Per-Click Advertising
One of the best ways to advertise is to use PPC advertising. This is where, as the name suggests, you only need to pay for your ad every time it’s clicked, which is why it’s so important to make sure you’re creating ads that, you’ve guessed it, people want to click.
Once someone clicks, you’ll take them through to your website or landing page where it’s up to you and your content to convert them into a paying customer. This is hands down the best way to get website traffic and eyes on your content.
Optimizing Your Actual Website
While the optimization of your ads is important, it’s vital to make sure you’re optimizing your website to perform well in the SEO rankings (SERPs) because your website is going to be one of the best ways to advertise what you’ve got to offer!
“This means making sure when a visitor comes to your website organically or through an ad that it’s responsive, and optimized for mobile devices, has good, readable and valuable content, targets the audience you’re looking for, and loads quickly and effectively” says Joseph Heinemann, a Marketing manager at Writemyx.
Make Sure You’re Researching
Before you jump into designing and creating your SEO-optimised ads, you need to make sure you’re researching everything you need to know so you can have as much information as possible to ensure you get the best results from your campaign.
This means looking at what platforms and websites you want to advertise on and target, what your competition is doing so you can take what’s good and what they might be missing out on, and check out to see what kind of search queries best suit you and reflect what your customers are looking for.
Creating Your Content
“Throughout the creation process, you need to ensure you’re thinking about SEO at every stage to make sure it’s optimized, it’s too costly and too late to make any adjustments when the ad is released, and you’ll be wasting time and money” begins Terry Kyles, a tech writer for Next Coursework and Australia2Write.
“Think about the copy of your ads and your landing pages, your website content, any media you need to create from videos to images, and any time and human resources you’ll need to use during this process.”
Again, getting as organized as possible during this stage is the best way to get ahead of the game and to be prepared if something goes wrong, is late, or needs changing. This means minimal stress on your behalf!
Estimate and Analyse
Before you release your ad, it’s important to make sure you’re estimating how many clicks and how much return you want to have. Of course, you can match this on past campaigns, or by setting goals, you want to hit.
However, once the campaign is over, you need to make sure you’re looking back on your analytics and seeing how you performed and then seeing how you can improve next time. This is the only way you’re going to get better over time and achieve better results.
Author’s Bio: Katrina Hatchett is a tech blogger at Academic Brits. She has been involved in various advertising projects, where her main aim is to define project problems and propose solutions, as well as improving overall communication effectiveness. Also, she writes for PhD Kingdom and Origin Writings, academic service.