How To Apply Brand Consistency Into Your Website Design

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But even though social media’s popularity has made pages and channels a necessity for firms, the website of a business should be still be given the utmost priority. This is because when people visit your website, they are in a way, visiting your company offline and reviewing your products from the shelves. Case studies show that 88% of website viewers will not re-evaluate a website if their initial experience was negative. Though these statistics seem to overwhelming for the layman, it maximises the vitality of design in developing websites.
Finally, you have decided to launch your start-up business. You have purchased a domain, illustrated a catchy commercial tagline, and designed the layout of the website outlining who you are and what you sell. Now it’s time to focus on how to retain the customers’ attention and keep them coming back for more, I.E., enhance consumer loyalty in the long run. This ultimately leads to developing a website with persistency brand-wise. Why is this necessary? Because a brand is not just a name like Google or Amazon though the title of your company definitely falls under the term, brand. It is not a slogan like Amazon’s And you’re done but a tagline is a subcategory of brand, and it is not just a memorable logo like that of Apple’s, though again this piece of art is a part of the brand as well.
A brand is a narrative which connects your firm with your customer base. If the design of your website correlates with this tale then your business will be a seen as more credible and relevant. This is the reason why mixing brand persistency with design is crucial for companies, as it makes the firm more famous amongst its buyers.
Typography, colouring, layout, etc., all complement the design of your website. But if these sections are overemphasized, coloured wrongly, or the wrong fonts are finalised, then brand consistency will not be built properly. And you’ll lose customers instead of gaining new followers.
You are in luck as we have listed a few suggestions below which will help you make the best out of the correlation between brand consistency and website design.
Situate your logo at the correct angle
A firm’s logo is like a book’s cover—the content shouldn’t be judged by the design, but it usually is. Both sensitivity and professionalism make up the design of the world’s most recognisable logos. But equally important is where your logo will be situated on your website.
Be clear and concise on where your logo will be situated. One suggestion is placing it on the top left as most of the languages used across the globe are read from left to right. Thus, by situating the logo on the top left, it will be the first piece of information that enters the minds of your consumers.
Of course, you could opt for something new and place your logo anywhere else rather than the top left segment. This is particularly true if the brand itself is experimental in nature. Uniqueness is a crucial aspect, but legibility should also be considered. Firms which combine both the afore-mentioned points will come out with the most useful logo placement strategy in the long run.
Persistency is key
Just like the word consistency in brand consistency, it is suggested that all elements of a website’s design correlate persistently with each other. This is because people will associate the beautiful design of your website, the easy-to-use interface of your company’s site, etc., with the comprehensive performance of your business.
In alternative terms, how you present your business on the web reflects how your company is viewed off the internet. And if visitors to your site like your online portal then they might even take a chance at your offline venues as well.
Use proper colouring schemes
Notice that majority of the famous company’s logos, such as Google and McDonald’s, use logos which comprise of primary colours. You should opt to utilise the same strategy. This is because primary colours are the most easiest for viewers to identify with. But the colouring strategy should not be applied solely to your logo. Each colour also emits a particular essence. E.G., the blue coloured layout adopted by both Facebook and Twitter is known to put visitors as ease as blue is associated with a calming sensation. So, by choosing the right colouring scheme for your typography (headlines, article content, etc.), backdrop images, and overall layout, visitors will become captivated by the beautiful and colourful design of your website.
White space should not be overlooked
The need to fill up every crevice of the website’s layout is tempting, but doing so might backfire on the designing strategy. So, by integrating white space into your design plan, customer retention as well as rates of comprehension would go up by 20%.
Fonts should be simple
Typography should be given as much significance as the colouring scheme on your website. Although, there are thousands of font designs available for usage, utilising a variety of them might turn off visitors from reading the content on your company’s website. Simply choose one or two fonts that most accurately define your company’s mission statement. Whichever type of fonts you end up choosing (serif, sans-serif, etc.) remember that the most crucial element of picking typography is that the fonts need to be decipherable to the readers.