Facebook Ad Metrics That Actually Matter


Kevin Urrutia




January 18, 2025

You have finally gotten your Facebook ads up and running, but what next?

The continuing process of optimizing and monitoring for key Facebook ad metrics is essential to the success of your company’s advertising campaign. To measure success, you must know which ad metrics are the most crucial for Facebook, and why.

Now, before we get into ad metrics, consider learning what sales funnel is and what it represents. Your funnel is the steps a person has to take to become your customer. This is also called the customer journey. It gives you a holistic overview of how the campaigns are performing.

When it comes to funnels, you can start listing out the various touchpoints a prospect might go through to purchase from you. So, for instance, in an eCommerce store, the person may:

  1. Visit your website
  2. Visit the product page
  3. Add items to their cart
  4. Checkout, and
  5. Confirm purchase

With the appropriate Facebook ad metrics, you can measure how to detox each stage of your customer journey. And with that being said, let’s check out the Facebook ad metrics that actually matter.

For Sales Campaigns

#1: Results

How many sales did you make?

The “result” is basically the event you select when choosing the conversion objective, meaning if you are looking for sales, this is it.

#2: Cost per result

Are you spending a lot to achieve that result? If so, how much are you really spending?

This will be your cost per acquisition.

#3: Add to cart

If you are an eCommerce business, how many customers have added an item to their cart? You’d have to set up the Add-to-Cart event built to track this.

#4: Cost per add-to-cart

What’s the cost of ad spend to have a customer add to their cart?

#5: Initiate checkouts

Are people initiating checkouts with you? If so, how many? This is usually the last step prior to hitting the “purchase” button.

#6: Cost per checkout

What’s the cost of having a customer initiate checkout?

#7: Click-through rate (CTR)

How many people (in percentage) saw your ad and clicked to visit your page?

Making sales on Facebook is challenging. Therefore, you must pay attention to ad metrics other than just sales/results.

If you accurately set up your ad campaign and are generating sales, awesome! Just ensure you are paying less than your customer’s lifetime value. It won’t be wise spending 0 per sale if your customer is only worth to you.

For Lead Generation Campaigns

#8: Impressions

How many times was your ad shown? This is different than CTR, which is the number of people who’ve seen and clicked on your ad.

#9: Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

This is the standard cost to display your ad a thousand times. Think of this as the price tag of Facebook; it varies based on audience demand, which you are targeting while running your ads.

#10: Frequency

How many times (on average) a person has viewed your ad? This is to ensure you aren’t oversaturating your prospects with your ads.

#11: Amount spent

How much have you spent so far running ads? 

#12: Link clicks

How many people were sent to your opt-in page via your Facebook ad? This is a great metric to estimate the number of individuals who visited your opt-in page.

#13: Cost per click CPC (link)

From your Facebook ad to your eCommerce site, how much does it cost you per click? Calculated via “#11” divided by “#12.”

#14: Leads

How many individuals signed up on your landing page after clicking the ad?

#15: Cost per lead (CPL)

How much the sign-ups cost you so far? Calculated via “#11” divided by “#14.”

CPL is your most crucial metric. If your leads are costly, use the following numbers to identify why they are so high:

For Video Ads

#16: Frequency

How many times has a user seen your video ad?

#17: Amount spent

How much have you spent running your video ads so far?

#18: Video views

How many times was your ad viewed for more than 3 seconds?

#19: Average percent of video viewed

How much of your video ad was actually seen by those who “viewed” it?

#20: Video views to 70 percent

What “%” of users who “viewed” your ad actually watched the video until the 70% mark?

#21: Link clicks

This is the number of users who saw your ad clicked through your website. You may have added a link at the end of the video or included it somewhere in the post.

#22: CPC (link)

What’s the average cost of each click through to your site?

#23: Leads

How many people opted-in for free content on your website after clicking from those video ads over to your eCommerce store?

#24: Cost per lead

How much has each sign-up cost you so far?

Many have found video ads have been quite successful when it comes to driving traffic to an eCommerce store and converting visitors to actual customers.

Facebook gives you an audience of individuals who have “viewed” your ads. If you want, you can retarget those individuals with other ads to promote free content or product.

Wrapping Up

Although we have covered many aspects of Facebook ad metrics in this article, and it may feel a bit overwhelming, don’t worry! Just follow the section that suits your current campaign requirements, monitor those key Facebook ad metrics, and optimize your ad consistently.

Feel free to share this content with your others. Also, let us know if you have any queries regarding Facebook ad metrics in the comments below.


Author’s Bio: Gary Peterson is working at MarijuanaDetox.net. He was born and raised in New York. Gary is a professional writer who specializes in SEO,social problems, email marketing and healthcare. He likes traveling and taking gorgeous photos of nature. Rock music is something that inspires him. Feel free to connect with him on Twitter. 

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