EIN Lookup


Kevin Urrutia




January 18, 2025

EIN Lookup is a tool that enables individuals and businesses to search for a particular Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses operating in the United States. An EIN is a unique nine-digit number used by the IRS to identify businesses for tax purposes. It is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number.

The EIN Lookup tool is free and available on the IRS website. To use the tool, individuals and businesses simply enter the name of the business for which they are searching or the EIN number. The tool then provides the corresponding EIN number or the name associated with the EIN number.

What Is an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number that the IRS assigns to businesses for tax purposes. It is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN). An EIN is required for most types of businesses, including corporations, partnerships, LLCs, sole proprietorships, non-profit organizations, and trusts.

The EIN is used by the IRS to identify businesses for tax purposes, including income tax, employment tax, and excise tax. The EIN is also used by other government agencies, such as the Social Security Administration, to identify businesses for various purposes, including employment eligibility verification.

To apply for an EIN, businesses can complete an online application on the IRS website, mail or fax a completed Form SS-4 to the IRS, or apply by telephone. Once the application is approved, the IRS assigns an EIN to the business.

What is an FEIN Number?

FEIN stands for Federal Employer Identification Number, which is another term for an EIN. The terms EIN and FEIN are interchangeable and refer to the same unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify businesses for tax purposes.

The term FEIN is sometimes used interchangeably with the term Tax ID number, which is a broader term that refers to any number used by the government to identify a business for tax purposes. However, in practice, the terms EIN, FEIN, and Tax ID number are often used interchangeably.

An FEIN number, like an EIN, is required for most types of businesses, including corporations, partnerships, LLCs, sole proprietorships, non-profit organizations, and trusts. The FEIN is used by the IRS and other government agencies to identify businesses for tax purposes, including income tax, employment tax, and excise tax.

An EIN, also known as an FEIN, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify businesses for tax purposes. The EIN is required for most types of businesses, and is used by the IRS and other government agencies to identify businesses for various purposes, including tax collection and employment eligibility verification.

The EIN Lookup tool is a useful resource for individuals and businesses who need to search for a particular EIN number. The tool is free and available on the IRS website.

Is there a difference between an EIN and an FEIN?

No, there is no difference between an EIN and an FEIN. Both terms refer to the same unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses for tax purposes. The terms EIN and FEIN are often used interchangeably and refer to the same number.

The EIN is used to identify businesses for tax purposes, including income tax, employment tax, and excise tax. The term FEIN, which stands for Federal Employer Identification Number, is sometimes used interchangeably with EIN. However, in practice, the terms EIN and FEIN refer to the same number and can be used interchangeably.

What is a Federal Tax Identification number?

A Federal Tax Identification Number, also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to businesses for tax purposes. The EIN is used by the IRS to identify businesses for tax purposes, including income tax, employment tax, and excise tax. The EIN is also used by other government agencies, such as the Social Security Administration, to identify businesses for various purposes, including employment eligibility verification.

To apply for an EIN, businesses can complete an online application on the IRS website, mail or fax a completed Form SS-4 to the IRS, or apply by telephone. Once the application is approved, the IRS assigns an EIN to the business.

What is my tax ID number?

Your tax ID number is the unique identification number assigned to you by the IRS for tax purposes. The type of tax ID number you have depends on your tax status. For example, if you are an individual, your tax ID number is typically your Social Security number (SSN). If you are a business, your tax ID number is typically your Employer Identification Number (EIN).

To determine your tax ID number, you can check your tax documents or contact the IRS. If you are an individual and do not have a Social Security number, you can apply for one through the Social Security Administration.

Is there a difference between an EIN and a TIN?

Yes, there is a difference between an EIN and a TIN. A TIN, or Taxpayer Identification Number, is a broader term that refers to any number used by the government to identify a taxpayer for tax purposes. An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a specific type of TIN assigned by the IRS to businesses for tax purposes.

Individual taxpayers can have different types of TINs, including a Social Security number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). Businesses, on the other hand, are typically assigned an EIN by the IRS for tax purposes.

While both EINs and TINs are used to identify taxpayers for tax purposes, the terms refer to different types of identification numbers. EINs are specific to businesses, while TINs can refer to any type of taxpayer identification number assigned by the government.

The terms EIN and FEIN are interchangeable and refer to the same unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to businesses for tax purposes. A Federal Tax Identification Number is another term for EIN and is used to identify businesses for tax purposes. Your tax ID number is the unique identification number assigned to you by the IRS for tax purposes, and can be an EIN or other type of TIN depending on your tax status. While both EINs and TINs are used to identify taxpayers for tax purposes, they refer to different types of identification numbers.

When Do I Need an EIN Number?

You may need to obtain an EIN if you are starting a new business or organization, hiring employees, or opening a bank account for your business. Some other instances when an EIN is required include:

  1. Forming a Corporation or Partnership: Any corporation or partnership entity is required to have an EIN.
  2. Hiring Employees: If you are planning on hiring employees for your business, you are required to have an EIN.
  3. Opening a Business Bank Account: Most banks require businesses to have an EIN to open a business bank account.
  4. Applying for Business Licenses: Some state and local licensing agencies may require an EIN to issue licenses or permits for your business.
  5. Filing Tax Returns: All businesses, except for sole proprietors, must file an annual tax return. An EIN is required to file these returns.

When Does a Sole Proprietorship Need an EIN Number?

Sole proprietors are not required to have an EIN if they do not have employees. However, they may choose to obtain an EIN if they want to separate their personal and business finances, or if they plan to hire employees in the future.

Do I Need an EIN if I’m Self-Employed?

If you are self-employed and do not have any employees, you are not required to have an EIN. However, if you are a sole proprietor and have employees, you will need to obtain an EIN. Additionally, if you operate as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), you will need an EIN, regardless of whether you have employees or not.

How to Find My EIN Number

If you already have an EIN but have misplaced or forgotten it, there are a few ways to retrieve it. The first option is to check any previous tax returns or documents that may contain your EIN. If you are still unable to find it, you can contact the IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line at 1-800-829-4933. You will need to provide identifying information to confirm your identity before they will release your EIN number.

An EIN is an essential identification number for businesses, partnerships, corporations, and LLCs. It is required for various tax purposes and other activities such as opening a business bank account, hiring employees, and filing tax returns. Sole proprietors who do not have employees are not required to have an EIN, but they may choose to obtain one if they want to separate their personal and business finances. If you need to obtain or find your EIN, the IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line can assist you.

How to lookup my EIN number

The first place to look for your EIN number is on any documents you received from the IRS when you applied for your EIN. These documents may include your EIN confirmation letter, CP575 notice, or Form SS-4 application.

If you cannot find these documents, you can try searching for your EIN number on the IRS website. The IRS offers a free EIN lookup service called “Exempt Organizations Select Check” that can be used to look up EIN numbers for businesses and organizations.

To use this service, go to the IRS website and click on the “Exempt Organizations Select Check” link under the “Tools” section. Enter your business name and other identifying information, and the system will search for your EIN number.

Business licenses and tax permits

Another place to look for your EIN number is on any business licenses or tax permits you may have received from your state or local government. These documents often include your EIN number, as it is required for tax purposes.

Check with your state’s Department of Revenue or Secretary of State’s office to see if they have a record of your EIN number. You can also check with any professional organizations you belong to, as they may have a record of your EIN number.

Tax returns and other IRS documents

If you have filed tax returns or other IRS documents in the past, your EIN number will be listed on those documents. Check your previous tax returns, wage and tax statements, or other IRS documents to see if your EIN number is listed.

If you have lost your tax returns or other IRS documents, you can request a copy from the IRS by filling out Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return.

Internal Revenue Service phone number

If you are unable to locate your EIN number using the above methods, you can contact the IRS by phone. The IRS has a dedicated toll-free number for businesses and other organizations to call and request their EIN number.

To obtain your EIN number by phone, call the IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line at 1-800-829-4933. The phone lines are open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time.


If you have opened a business bank account, your bank may have your EIN number on file. Check your bank statements or contact your bank to see if they can provide you with your EIN number.

Loan applications

If you have applied for a business loan, your EIN number may be listed on the loan application. Check your loan application or contact the lender to see if they have a record of your EIN number.


One way to find your EIN number online is by visiting the website of the IRS. The IRS offers a tool called the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system, which is used to search for and access a variety of SEC filings. Many businesses that are publicly traded must file these forms with the SEC, and they contain important financial information about the company, including the EIN number.

To use the EDGAR system, visit the SEC’s website and click on the “Company Filings Search” page. From there, you can search for the company’s name, ticker symbol, or CIK (Central Index Key) number. Once you find the relevant filings for the company, you can view the Form 10-K, which contains the EIN number.

Another website that may have your EIN number is Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet is a commercial data and analytics company that provides information about businesses. If your business has a credit file with Dun & Bradstreet, you may be able to find your EIN number on their website. You can create an account on their website and search for your business by name or address.

Credit Reporting Agencies

Credit reporting agencies, such as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, also keep records of businesses and their EIN numbers. These agencies are used by banks, lenders, and other businesses to check the creditworthiness of a company. If your business has a credit report with one of these agencies, you may be able to find your EIN number by requesting a copy of your credit report.

To request a credit report, visit the website of the credit reporting agency and follow the instructions for obtaining a report. You may need to provide some personal and business information to verify your identity. Once you have the report, you can look for the EIN number on it.

There are several ways to find your EIN number online, including through the IRS’s EDGAR system, Dun & Bradstreet, and credit reporting agencies. By knowing where to look and having the necessary information on hand, you can quickly and easily access your EIN number and stay compliant with tax laws and regulations.

How to Lookup EIN Number: Other Companies

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify businesses for tax purposes. It is also referred to as a Federal Tax ID Number. If you need to obtain the EIN number for your business, there are several methods you can use. In addition to the methods mentioned earlier, there are other companies and organizations that can help you look up an EIN number.

Google search

One of the simplest ways to look up an EIN number is to use a search engine like Google. Simply enter the name of the business or organization you are looking for, along with the words “EIN number,” and see what results come up. If the company is publicly traded or has filed with the SEC, the EIN may be listed on their website or in public records.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) EIN lookup

If you are looking for the EIN number for a publicly traded company, you can check the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) online database. The SEC requires companies to disclose their EIN number in their filings. To access the SEC database, go to the SEC’s website and search for the company’s name. Once you find the company, look for their Form 10-K filing. The EIN number should be listed on the cover page of the filing.

IRS database for nonprofits

If you are looking for the EIN number for a nonprofit organization, you can use the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Select Check tool. This database contains information on organizations that are eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. To use the tool, go to the IRS’s website and enter the name of the organization you are looking for. If the organization is in the database, the EIN number should be listed.

Federal tax id number lookup company

There are several companies that offer EIN lookup services for a fee. These companies typically have access to databases that contain EIN numbers for a wide range of businesses and organizations. Some of the most popular companies include EIN Finder, Govt Assist, and EIN Express. To use these services, simply enter the name of the business or organization you are looking for and pay the fee. The company will then provide you with the EIN number.

When using any of these methods to look up an EIN number, it’s important to have as much information about the business or organization as possible. This includes the full name, address, and any other identifying information you may have. If you are having trouble locating the EIN number using one method, try another. In some cases, the EIN number may not be publicly available or may be protected by privacy laws.

As a business owner or individual, it is essential to verify the authenticity of any EIN (Employer Identification Number) number before using it for any financial or legal purposes. This is because using an incorrect or invalid EIN number can lead to various problems, such as incorrect tax filings, legal disputes, and even fines.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of verifying EIN number sources and the various methods to do so.

Why Verify EIN Number Sources?

Verifying the authenticity of EIN numbers is crucial because it ensures that the information you are using is accurate and up-to-date. Using an incorrect EIN number can lead to various issues, such as:

  1. Incorrect Tax Filings: Using an incorrect EIN number on tax returns can lead to incorrect filings, which can lead to penalties or fines from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  2. Legal Disputes: Using an incorrect EIN number on legal documents can lead to legal disputes, as the information provided will be inaccurate.
  3. Financial Fraud: Fraudulent entities may provide false EIN numbers to obtain credit or loans, which can lead to financial fraud.

Therefore, it is essential to verify the authenticity of EIN number sources before using them for any financial or legal purposes.

How to Verify EIN Number Sources?

  1. Check the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Database

The easiest and most reliable way to verify the authenticity of an EIN number is to check the IRS database. The IRS provides an online tool called “Exempt Organization Select Check” that allows you to search for the EIN numbers of nonprofit organizations. This tool also provides information on whether the organization is tax-exempt or not.

To use this tool, go to the IRS website and search for “Exempt Organization Select Check.” Enter the EIN number you want to verify, and the tool will display information about the organization, including its name, address, and tax-exempt status.

  1. Contact the EIN Number Holder

If you are unable to find information about the EIN number holder in the IRS database, you can try contacting them directly. The holder of the EIN number is usually the organization or business that applied for it. You can contact them through their website, phone number, or email.

When contacting the EIN number holder, ask them to provide you with a copy of their EIN confirmation letter. This letter confirms that the EIN number is valid and belongs to the organization.

  1. Check Business and Legal Directories

You can also verify the authenticity of an EIN number by checking business and legal directories. Many directories, such as Dun & Bradstreet and LexisNexis, maintain databases of businesses and organizations, which include their EIN numbers.

To use this method, search for the business or organization in the directory and check its EIN number. If the EIN number is listed, it is likely to be authentic.

  1. Use a Third-Party Service

If you are unable to verify the authenticity of an EIN number through the methods mentioned above, you can use a third-party service. There are several services available online that offer EIN verification services.

These services charge a fee and may provide additional information about the organization, such as its financial history and legal disputes. However, it is important to research the service provider thoroughly before using them to ensure that they are legitimate.


Verifying the authenticity of EIN number sources is essential for any business or individual that intends to use this information for financial or legal purposes. The methods mentioned above can help you verify EIN numbers and ensure that the information you are using is accurate and up-to-date.

It is also important to note that using fraudulent or incorrect EIN numbers can lead to various issues, such as incorrect tax filings,

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