Click-Through Rate (CTR)


Kevin Urrutia


Digital Marketing Dictionary


August 15, 2024

Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric used to determine the number of people who see an ad and click on it. CTR can be used to determine how effective keywords and ads are performing during a paid marketing campaign.

Why is Click-Through Rate Important?

If you have a high click-through rate, it means you have a lot of people clicking on your ads. A low CTR means there are not that many people clicking.

CTR is a metric that lets you determine whether your ads are effective and driving traffic to your products, services, offers, and deals. Having a high CTR is beneficial as it gives you a better position for less money. It means your ads are relevant which is preferred by ad networks like Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.

If your CTR is varying and you want to reduce the cost of your ads, contact us to determine the best use of your money. Our team of Facebook Ad experts work with you to determine the best strategy to extend your dollars and increase your revenue.

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