Buyer Persona


Kevin Urrutia


Digital Marketing Dictionary


August 15, 2024

A buyer persona is a representation (sometimes fictitious) of your ideal customer based on research and accurate data at your business.

Buyer personas often include:

  • Customer demographics
  • Behavior patterns
  • Motivations
  • Goals

I have more details about the background information of a potential buyer and a better understanding of how to target and deliver messages to an intended audience.

Why is Buyer Persona Important?

Establishing your buyer persona tremendously influences the structure and insight of your business. By selecting a detailed overview of your prospective, ideal customers, you can determine where to focus your time, the market spends, and other resources to effectively market your products and services.

Creating a buyer persona will help attract the most valuable leads and prospective customers to your business, giving you a market advantage. This is one of many ways to establish a strong and strategic marketing campaign.  

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