Best Ways to Get Feedback


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

Great customer feedback gives you insights on how your customers perceive your brand? 

It helps you know how your services or products satisfy them and how you can keep on satisfying and helping them solve their pain points. 

Report by Econsultancy shows that 22% of businesses say that customer experience is the most exciting opportunity.

Online customers are more demanding. They want to do business with brands that deliver the best and have a great user experience.

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

Customer feedback is a great way to help deliver a great experience for customers.

But to start with how can you ensure you get the right feedback in the first place?. What ways and methods are effective in analyzing your client feedback and using it to grow your business?

Well, keep on reading to learn more about it.

Why do you need customer feedback?

You may be having a brand but don’t know how essential customer feedback is to your business. Take a look at some of the reasons you need to get client feedback.

Improve customer care service

Customers love and do business with businesses that care about them. One great way to learn and leverage what clients love to grow your business is customer care.

When your business brand improves their customer support, it will impress their customers. 

They will be more likely to do business as the brand strives to give their best to solve their challenges.

Improve customer retention

When clients give you their feedback about your business and you work to give them what they want, you will retain them. 

Clients like brands that care about their challenges and give their best to solve them. To retain your customers you have to make them feel they are part of your business community. 

Give them more than just your products or services. Go beyond and influence their lives positively. This will help maintain them and increase your customer lifetime value. 

Research by Kapow shows that 68% of customers leave your brand when they feel they don’t connect and belong or are indifferent to the business.

It shows you value their opinions

Clients feel they are appreciated and their voice is heard through their feedback. 

When you ask clients for opinions about your business brand, you strengthen their attachment to your brand. By listening to their opinions, you grow and build your relationship with them.

Your clients are more likely to share their business positive experience with other potential clients and help generate more leads for your business.

Improve products and services

Asking for feedback can help you learn how your current products are satisfying your clients. 

From the feedback, your clients will give recommendations that you can use to make better services or products that suit the needs of your customers.

Since clients are the ones using the products, they can give you tips on how to improve your products. Use their feedback and create products that meet their expectations to solve their pain points.

Best tools to collect customer feedback data

There are many different and effective tools that can help you collect customer data which can help serve them better by offering great quality services for their needs.


One way to generate client feedback is through surveys. The above tool helps you create easy to fill surveys for your clients. 

Clients hate complicated and long surveys. SurveyMonkey has different templates you can use to create simple surveys for your data collection.

You can send the surveys to your customers through different channels like social media, email, or you can place them on your website. 

Here is how the whole process at SurveyMonkey works.

Get satisfaction

This tool helps companies and individuals with online businesses create an online community around the company’s products or services.

Clients can interact with the business and get their voices heard. They give recommendations and provide the company with feedback and opinions on how to offer better services.

The online community helps foster the relationship between the clients and the company. 

This improves the client user experience, builds more trust and helps the company make more sales. Here are some of its clients


The tool helps you get feedback through the pop-up surveys on your website. You need to integrate the tool with your website to collect customer feedback.

Here are four processes to use the tool to get the most from the customers.

User Voice

With this tool, you can compare your current and projected product features to improve their quality. It helps manage your product and adjust it as your clients demand.

You can segment your data to simplify the feedback collection process. The user voice tool has live chat that you use to get feedback from clients about your business brand.

Hear what their happy clients have to say about the tool.

User Echo

This tool provides great customer support for your brand. It has a forum where you can interact with your customers and hear their feedback about your business.

You increase customer engagement and collect data that can help build your brand reputation and earn your clients’ trust. 

Its helpdesk solution converts customer conversations into tickets and assigns them to customer representatives for the faster solution of their clients’ needs. 

Customers can get instant help with the help of their live chat. The tool has over 27000 clients.

Here are what their clients say.

The tool is linked to your website content and potential clients can review your products or services with the help of the website content.

Customer sure

The tool helps you send customized surveys to your customers to collect data that can help improve your brand performance in the market. 

With the help of the tool, you can analyze your customer journey and know what to deliver to them at their different buyer stages.

 You can also track the satisfaction trends of your customers and use the data to better your services or products and improve your client satisfaction.


This tool helps you create surveys that you can use to collect client insights and feedback about your brand. 

It had a variety of features and designs that help you in creating your surveys for feedback collection. 

It has templates that businesses can edit to suit the type of survey and feedback they need from clients.

Ways to collect customer feedback

Here are some of the ways you can collect your customer feedback and use it to grow your business brand.

Your website life chat

Your clients will be in constant touch with your brand to learn more about how your business helps them. 

When clients conduct you for help you can use their feedback and improve your business products or services. 

You can ask your clients some questions to help know how effective your communication system is so you can improve it to offer better services.

To capture your readers and engage with them set the online live chat to automate and activate when a reader stays on a page for let’s say 15 seconds.

Offer incentives

You can offer your clients or potential clients something in exchange of information that can help better the services you offer them. This can be spreadsheets, ebooks or lead magnets

Apart from the above, you can send clients prizes of the products you sell to them in exchange for their feedback

They will be more willing to take the survey to earn the product as it can help them solve their pains.

Engage them through your website blog content

When you publish useful blog posts on your website, your clients will love it and engage with it. They will leave comments, share and like the content. 

Read carefully their comments and analyze their recommendations. Answer their questions and use their feedback to improve your business performance.

Send emails with questions

You can send your potential clients a link to questions that can help improve your business. 

This is after the client has used your product or service. Potential clients will be more willing to give reviews on the product or services you offered them.

The reviews can help you learn more about how to improve your products or services.

Call them directly

Since you have your clients’ contact details you can reach them directly through a call and ask for feedback. 

When you call clients directly for reviews it strengthens their trust and believes in your brand.

You also learn something new from them that you can implement to improve their user experience with your brand.

You have gone above to ensure you deliver quality services or products to them.

Social media listening

Ensure you keep an eye for your brand mention and performance on social sites. Some clients like to post reviews and feedback and share it with other people on social media.

Both your angry and satisfied clients turn to social media to post their feeling and feedback about their experience with brands’ products or services. 

Listen to what clients say about your business products or services and use their feedback to offer more better products or services.

Ensure you capture and analyze your clients’ feedback on social sites. Engage and solve questions your clients post on social sites about your business. 

Tips to improve customer retention

Your main goal of collecting customer feedback is to offer better services to retain your existing customers and acquire new clients. 

So here are some ways to retain customers since it is expensive to acquire new customers.

Update clients about your new products

If you have launched new products, notify your clients. Sent them emails with details of your new products and a simple guide of how the product can help them solve their pains.

You can also use the social media site to let your followers know that you have a new product you have introduced in the market. 

Offer after-sale support

The customer journey doesn’t end with the clients purchasing your product.  When you show concern to the clients’ needs after they make a purchase you strengthen the relationship and can lead to repeat purchases.

You can give them a product warranty of your product. You can make a phone call follow up to let know how the customer is enjoying the product or if they have any challenges in using the product.

Services like free shipping motivate buyers to use your services the next time they will need to buy the product.

Improve product innovations

Your clients need better and improved services and products each day. Ensure you have new and improved product innovations your clients will love to retain your customers

Remember you have a lot of competition in the market. If your clients see other better services or products that can solve their pains they will leave you and join your competitors.

Ensure you add new features to your products that will help solve your clients’ challenges. 

Great innovation is a signal to your customers that you care about them as you strive to offer better products or services to them.

Know your customers better

When you know your customers, you will deliver services or products that they love. You can create a buyer persona that will help you understand your customers and serve them better.

Collect different data to effectively help serve your clients. Here are some data points you need on your persona.

With all this data you will know limits your clients set that you should never cross as they interact and do business with your brand.

What you need to know before data collection

You need to have a set plan for your customer feedback data collection. What do you need the feedback for? 

Do you need to improve your content, know if your clients love your brand, generate more leads? etc

With a set goal, you will know and have a specific action that you can take to grow your business. 

From the list of data you collected you can create an FAQ section on your website to help answer the common questions readers and clients ask. 

Here is an example of the youtube FAQ page.


Clients have the final say in your business. Their feedback is very influencial in helping you grow your business

Customers love brands that hear their voice and give their best to deliver quality products or services.

When you get feedback from your clients, ensure you use the feedback to improve user experience and deliver better services to your customers.

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