Five Upcoming Email Marketing Tips Every Digital Marketer Should Know


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

There was a time when email marketing was the Holy Grail for all digital brands to generate leads. Then came a time when it slowed down as people did not have the time to go through clunky emails, click ten attached links, and fill out surveys. That was in the initial days of the rise of intelligent technology. People preferred snappier methods, including push notifications, SMS alerts, on-site banners, and pop-ups. Emails became a thing of the past until a group of marketing geniuses figured out a way to revamp how emails interact with the target audience.

Since then, email marketing has been at the top of all lead-generating strategies. Here are a few reasons several leading small and medium businesses still prefer including email campaigns in their digital marketing strategies –

  1. Emails work as potential reminders. They can engage old customers and interest them in new offers.
  2. Some visitors convert, but they require a longer than usual sales cycle. Email marketing can engage them to a site.
  3. You can strengthen your relationship with subscribers by sending them periodic email reminders of special offers and discounts for subscribers only!
  4. The advancement of technology has made email marketing almost entirely automated. You will not require a dedicated team to compose, editing, and schedule emails for thousands of customers per week. Automation makes the process faster and more efficient.

As we have said before, email marketing has scaled several crests and troughs. It is only fair to assume that in the coming years, your brand will also experience many advantages, setbacks, and challenges due to the changing face of any form of digital marketing. However, email marketing is not only rewarding, but it is also affordable for all small and medium businesses. So, in case your emails do not generate impressive revenue in 18 or 24 months from now, you can divert the funds towards some already existing method that works.

There is no point in worrying about the future without any idea about the incoming changes and the estimation of resources for a contingency plan. Here are a few trends for 2019 that digital marketers need to worry about –

1. Hyper-personalization

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

Personalization has already become a mandatory part of any effective email marketing campaign. A survey shows that adding the recipient’s first name in the mail increases the CTR by over 74%. People do not like to open generic-looking emails that do not have their names on them.

To find out what kind of email language they prefer, you can always run A/B tests. It will offer meaningful data for the experts concerning the buyers’ demographics, buying habits, and product interests.

2. Self-segmentation

Not all new trends are out to get the marketers. Some of them are turning out to be helpful too. Self-segmentation is one of the ways that can reduce work for your digital marketing team. It is also a potential reason many new brands will take up email marketing.

You can encourage the customers to participate in small surveys in exchange for discounts and gifts. You might give out 1000 gifts monthly, but your email list will grow tremendously. By the end of this endeavor, you will have an email list with separate sections according to demographics, buying patterns, spending capabilities, and brand preferences. Do not forget that the potential buyer will do all the work independently! You won’t have to work hours to sort the subscribers into email list segments.

3. Interactive marketing

Emails and interactive? It is neither a joke nor magic. Interactive emails increase user engagement and improve conversion rates. Most people want to interact with the brands they follow and use daily. Any email that boosts the interaction of potential buyers with the brands should be a part of the digital marketing strategy. Find out more about interactive email marketing at JP 360 Solutions.

Kinetic emails boost social media reach, and they enable more in-depth segmentation of the email list. The secret is layering a bulk of information within the email to make it appear modest. It typically includes features like hovering over images that zoom in and reveal other details about the product. It is a great way to relay info through email. It allows any recipient to visit the shop directly from the mail.

4. Simple text emails

Do you want to stand out? Are you tired of other brands drowning out your emails with similar approaches? Then it is time for you to try the plain text email. Why not take some risk and send out an email with nothing but words? Research from 2018 shows that it pays off to mix up a brand’s email game a little. You need to provide respite to your subscribers with refreshing wishes or simple information in the form of emails. People like reading lucid texts that sound informal but are informative. They are a much-welcome break from the traditional loans of URL-embedded and image-rich emails that take endless hours to load on a smartphone. They can improve your CTR with little to no additional expense.

5. Drip marketing

Indulging in drip marketing can help your brand. Some industries have longer sales cycles. People convert, but they need more interactions and a longer time than buyers of most FMCG brands. Drip marketing is a form of auto-responding that is a part of longer sales cycles. They can hasten the process by sending myriad relevant responses, including text-only emails, images, videos, and other helpful information that engages the reader further.

It will remain rewarding and affordable no matter what new technologies you include in your email campaign. It is the most significant proof of having an email strategy as a part of a digital marketing campaign. Keeping the current and upcoming trends in mind can help you lower the rate of unopened emails and increase your website CTR. Do not forget to use the mail tracking tools that keep a tab on which users open their emails and which send them to the trash. Next time, you can exclude the latter from the list to save time and resources.

6. Omnichannel Marketing

Email is a powerful channel for digital marketing. However, we’re reaching a point where it’s not enough to clench sales anymore. Email works well on its own; however, when combined with other channels, it becomes a digital marketing powerhouse.

Enter the age of omnichannel marketing, where creating an immersive customer experience is what shoppers of today are looking for. By combining many of the tactics in this article and adding key channels into the mix, you can create omnichannel campaigns that automatically respond to customer behavior as they move through their purchase journey. This not only gives the customer more opportunities to engage with your brand but also creates an ever-changing message that’s always relevant.

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