5 Most Advanced Facebook Advertising Techniques to Follow


Kevin Urrutia




January 18, 2025

Each marketer knows the potential of social media marketing. But the social media giant, Facebook, is getting extra attention from marketers these days.

A recent study found that Facebook Advertisers have increased their video budget by 24% in Q3 of 2019. It makes sense considering Facebook has surpassed two billion monthly active users.

Two billion users mean fat chances to reach your targeted audience. It’s also pointing towards increasing competition from brands as they are growing their Facebook budgets. It’s time to put your step forward before your competitors win the race.

Relying on free Facebook marketing strategies is not enough anymore. Facebook users rarely notice your posts, especially if they are not subscribed to your channel.

To grab the attention of your potential customers from a too busy Facebook platform, you have to take help from smart Facebook advertising tactics to stand out against the crowd.

In this guide, you will learn five creative Facebook advertising strategies that help you reach the right audience at the right time.

5 Most Advanced Facebook Advertising Strategies to Follow in 2019

You are already aware of common Facebook marketing strategies that others are following for ages. Here, you will learn advanced tactics to compete in 2019 and beyond.

1. Optimize Facebook Ads for 5 Awareness Stages

You are not wrong if you create content exclusively for the Facebook audience. But do you know that each of your potential customers has a different impression for your business?

According to Eugene Schwartz, a famous copywriter, there are five stages of customers awareness:

  1. Unaware: They don’t even know your product exists. They do have a problem but don’t know the solution.
  2. Problem Aware: They are conscious of their problem and have started looking for a solution.
  3. Solution Aware: They found the solution but don’t know that you offer the solution.
  4. Product Aware: They know that you offer the solution but yet not purchased your product
  5. Most Aware: They have a problem, found the solution, and know that you provide the best solution.

Each of your customers or potential customers rotates around these five stages. Let’s suppose if you create an ad offering a discount on your product, then you are serving customers lingering at the 5th stage. What about the other four?

To reach all your customers across the Facebook world, you have to create multiple ads serving different stages of customers. For instance, an ad introducing your product as a problem to the solution, an ad revealing the benefits of your products, and so on.

2. Find the Most Effective Ad with A/B Testing

You don’t know what works and what doesn’t?

Guess what?

Facebook does know the best matching Ad for your campaign. A/B testing is the way.

Facebook’s split testing feature allows you to test two ads to see its effectiveness. For example, you can check two ads with the same ad copy but different visuals to measure its effectiveness.

Warning: Don’t overdo it with hundreds of ideas as it will lead to time wasting. Just focus on two ads at a time. You can A/B test two ads with different ad copy and images to measure effectiveness quickly.

3. Integrate Facebook Messenger Ads

Facebook ads are effective but too familiar with tons of competition. What about Facebook Messenger Ads?

Won’t it be more powerful when you send a personalized ad to each of your customers as per their awareness stage? It’s like inviting users to your event instead of waiting for them to come.

If you are worried that sending ads via messenger is forcing users towards products, think again. You will send ads to only those users who are interested in knowing more about your products.

I will tell you how…

There are three types of Messenger Ads:

  • Destination Ads: It gives users a way to ask a question directly via the ad if they are interested in your product.

  • Often, users want to buy the product, but they hesitate as they are new to the brand or don’t know anything about it. Giving them a way to ask questions is like giving them the freedom to choose you over others. They feel more connected when you are ready to solve their doubts without making them leave their favorite platform.
  • Sponsored Message: Generally, when you click the Facebook Ad, you redirect to the landing page. Sponsored Message follows a different approach. It takes users directly to the users’ inbox where you deliver them a personalized message. Since only interested users will click the link, you are not sending ads forcefully.

  • Home Section Ads: Unlike other ads where users have to click, Home Sections ads deliver promotional messages directly to the home dashboard of message applications. It’s a way to interact with users at a personalized level.

4. Incorporate Geo Targeting Ads

There you are targeting global customers and forgetting to attract local customers who are easier to grab your hands on.

Local customers trust you easily as you reside in their region. All you have to do is create ads targeting local customers. Users will know you exist nearby, and their solution is one mile away.

See how AdEspresso targets nearby audience with Geo Target Ads and its potential reach:

You must take Warby Parker’s local Facebook ad under consideration while creating your own.

Warby Parker gives an exact location (San Francisco) with time in its Facebook ad to attract local audiences.

5. Run a Remarketing Campaign

We always talk about retargeting, where we promote the same ad on different social media channels. Have you ever gave a thought to remarketing?

Once users take notice of the Facebook page, marketers forget about users as if they will always remain there.

Who says?

Users turn on competitors at the very opportunity they get i.e., via something more interesting than yours.

Remarketing is about sending a follow-up message to users who showed some interest in your products or services. Perhaps through a comment or like your Facebook Page. Remarketing makes sure that existing customers remain within your zone and always hear something interesting from your side. 41% of users aging between 25-34 appreciate the brand’s follow-up messages.

Dedicate a part of your Facebook Ad campaign to existing customers or interested users to make them stay for long.

Blurbpoint a leading Facebook marketing agency, looked into the depths of Facebook advertising strategies to find what’s making this network a centerpiece of social media puzzle. And how marketers can leverage the network at its full.

That’s All For Now

Now you have five unique ideas to run a Facebook Advertising campaign in 2019 and beyond. Start implementing them now and come back to share your experience or new ideas that popped out from your experiments.

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