
Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

5 B2B SEO Strategies You Shouldn’t Miss in 2018

Now, when 2018 has arrived, most of you might not be leaving any stone unturned to make your resolutions successful. In the same way, the digital marketers of B2B are even trying their level best.

They are certainly existing nowhere behind in the race. In fact, they are all ready to shake hands with the trends of digital marketing which are going to really rule the entire world of B2B in the upcoming months of 2018.

So, if you are such an efficient B2B digital marketer, you need to know such trends in the best possible way. Are you still not clear about those trends? Just read ahead and you will definitely be aware of the same.

  1. AI to boost up increased personalization

For the B2B marketers, personalized marketing has been the focal point throughout the 2017 and the graph would certainly continue to rise in 2018.

We focus on direct response and customer acquisition in e-commerce, lead gen, and mobile. When it comes to results and leads, we speak your language.

In such a scenario, if you want to opt for the topmost marketing strategy then it will include coming up with testing the website, categorizing the B2B buyers, and then ultimately offering a personalized experience to each and every customer.

Moreover, in such a circumstance, you could opt for AI for getting constant support in the form of customer data to offer personalization to the B2B buyers.

  1. Higher engagement with video marketing

When it comes to content consumption, video marketing has become one of the most buzzing media, thanks to the extra fuel by social media.

For example, if you take the specific example of YouTube, you would notice that it has a huge number of unique monthly audiences where the number reached up to 42 million, and even the other video outlets are offering extraordinary opportunities to the marketer.

So, if you incorporate videos into your B2B buyer journey then it will obviously prove to be a top trend to boost up your engagement.

  1. Go for hyperlocal targeting for mobile users

Research says that more than even 18% of the local searches which are made on smartphones turn into sales in almost less than 24 hours. Moreover, with the advent of the smart features like Google Posts and Facebook Local, it has become more evident that buyers are now enjoying the facility of making searches on a more localized platform.

So, it is expected that by the end of 2018, the digital world for B2B would become hyperlocal eventually. You, as a marketer, should pay immense attention for making use of the digital landscape to target the B2B buyers and even interact with them who are making local searches.

Even though you might be a brand but still you ought to enter the local market so that you can target the local searches and buyers of course. So, in 2018, never forget to opt for hyperlocal targeting to take your B2B business to just another level!

  1. Use of machine learning to boost marketing automation

Well, there are some things that are unquestionably going to take an upward swing in 2018 which are nothing but machine learning and power marketing automation which will end up in a high level of segmented marketing.

However, reports say that even still now 50% of the companies are not able to use any kind of segmented targeting to approach their audience. But, now, machine learning will surely accentuate marketing automation and start with the process of segmentation of B2B buyers based on their buying style.

  1. Voice marketing is going to grow

One of the latest trends which came into existence in 2017 was nothing but the voice trend! It has totally changed the style of B2B buyers searching the results of their queries on the search engines.

So, it is quite possible that in the next upcoming months of 2018, you would see a sharp rise in the mechanisms of voice marketing. If you even consider the announcements from Google then you will come to know that they have declared that by the year 2020, more than even 50% of the total search queries in Google will end up being voice queries.

Moreover, such a change in the style of queries will even alter the type of keywords in the contents (short tail keywords will get transformed to the long tail ones) while following a conversational tone. So, you need to prepare your marketing strategies for B2B while keeping voice queries in your mind. For that, in 2018, don’t forget to tweak the style of the contents in your website a bit for ranking them in the higher positions.

Final Words

So, these are the five most effective digital marketing trends of 2018 that you should never miss!! If you have read the aforementioned points thoroughly then you must have already understood that 2018 is going to be filled with some exceedingly dazzling opportunities for the digital B2B marketers. Then, what are you waiting for? Just grab them and stand out from your competitors!!

About Author:

Neil Helson is the marketing manager at Blurbpoint Media, SEO, and digital marketing company. He is passionate about helping small businesses and startups grow online.

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