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Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI) is a measurement on the performance of paid marketing or other campaigns to determine whether the “investment” was profitable or not. ROI attempts to measure the exact return, in profit, from a given campaign. Calculating ROI...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a convenient method of dividing a market of potential customers into groups with similar wants and needs. The segments created can lead to more targeted messaging to attract customers to the right products and services. Why is...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is consumers’ behavior that influences them to continue to purchase and stay committed to a particular product, service, brand, or business. To establish brand loyalty, various businesses use creative marketing strategies, such as loyalty or rewards programs, trials,...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is the practice of showing two variants of the same webpage, email, or advertisement, at the same time, and comparing which of the two deliver more conversions. A/B testing is an experimental approach...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Response Rate

Response rate is a measurement of the number of people who respond to a specific call-to-action. This could be a button on a landing page, a reply to an email in a campaign, and more. Anyone who responds to these...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing Dashboard

A marketing dashboard is a reporting tool that displays marketing KPIs, marketing analytics, and other resourceful metrics. The visualizations and tables provided in a marketing dashboard offer an easy-to-understand interpretation of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, sales, and other important...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing Goals

Marketing goals are the specific tasks and objectives defined by your business. These can be increasing sales margins, improving marketing KPIs, expanding into new markets, and so on. When defining goals, it is strategic to follow the SMART goal framework:...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing KPIs

Marketing KPIs (aka Key Performance Indicators) are specific metrics used to identify, track, and measure progress toward marketing goals. Examples of KPIs include: Customer Acquisition Cost Social Media Traffic Conversion Rates Bounce Rates Goal Value Qualified Leads per time A/B...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing Opportunity

A marketing opportunity is a potentially favorable business opportunity from a sales-accepted lead that is qualified for your products or services. For a market opportunity to exist, a business must be able to identify its potential customers, their specific needs...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

A marketing qualified lead (MQL) is a lead that has indicated interest in your business and is ready to progress further down your sales funnel. These are leads that have responded to and have expressed interest in buying your product...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing Spend

Marketing spend is the total amount a business uses for marketing, advertisements, SEO, social media, and other marketing activities. This includes all ad costs as well as non-promotional expenses. Why is Marketing Spend Important? By examining your marketing spend, you...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Marketing Vehicle

A marketing vehicle is a specific tool used to drive your advertisements to its intended audience. This could be a specific marketing channel within a medium that delivers your message. A marketing medium is a form of communication, such as...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Multi-Touch Attribution

Multi-touch attribution is a marketing technique that evaluates the impact of each touch point that drives conversions. Understanding touch points is a subset of marketing attribution and allows for accurate analysis of a marketing campaign’s success. Why is Multi-Touch Attribution...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Niche Marketing

Niche marketing is a highly concentrated and well-defined form of marketing targeting a specific audience or customer. Instead of taking a broad approach or a large group of consumers, this marketing strategy focuses on a highly targeted group with a...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is any kind of marketing campaign that costs money. There are various places on the internet selling ad space, such as: Google Ads Instagram Ads Facebook Ads The cost of these ads may be based on pay-per-click (PPC),...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Proactive Marketing

Proactive marketing is a premeditative, data-driven marketing strategy that focuses on the dynamic demands of customers. Being proactive anticipates and adapts to the ever-changing needs of the customer in a way that establishes ongoing benefits for sustainable growth. Proactive marketing...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Real-Time Marketing

Real-time marketing involves live data so marketers can make informed decisions based on up-to-date information. Instead of creating a marketing plan based on old data, marketers use current trends and customer feedback to connect their customers with products and services...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a strategic and spontaneous method of engaging with a broad audience. It combines luck, creativity, and preparation to spread a message like a virus. The concept of viral marketing depends on providing content driven by user engagement. Users...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Web Analytics

Web analytics is the collection, measurement, analysis, and reporting of online data for understanding and improving online performance (i.e., sales, conversion rates, etc.).   There are many valuable metrics obtained from web analytics, such as:   Unique Visitors Page Views...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Sales Accepted Lead (SAL)

A sales accepted lead (SAL) is a form of marketing generated lead (MQL) and are leads that need to be followed up to close a sale.   Why is a Sales Accepted Lead Important? It’s important to understand your sales...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Sales Cycle

A sales cycle is a system or process a customer goes through from point of contact with a business to the final sale. This is different from a sales funnel and focuses on detailed interactions with a business to close...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Sales Forecasting

Sales forecasting is simply the process of predicting future sales. Generating accurate sales forecasts enable business and marketing strategists to make better business decisions and leverage their position in their respective niche. In order to obtain accurate sales forecasts, a...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a system that takes a prospect on a journey with your business while end goal of producing a sale. There are many phases in a sales funnel, such as: Awareness Phase – prospects become aware that...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Seach Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a cost-effective solution to grow an online business via paid advertisements. It requires in-depth analysis of keywords used by consumers and strategically positioning to take competitive advantage on search engines. SEM is often confused with...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The Ultimate Guide

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money used to secure a new customer. Businesses that measure their CAC know exactly how much money is used whenever a new customer buys their products or services. These costs include marketing spend,...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing, growing, and expanding online visibility via search engines. Essentially, these marketing efforts are dedicated to getting pages ranked higher on the results of search queries. To perform Search Engine Optimization, a...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Share of Voice (SOV)

Share of Voice (SOV) is a metric used to evaluate the “share” of total advertising exposure between competing brands and businesses in a similar market or niche. During an advertising campaign, this metric evaluates a brand’s exposure and presence within...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Social Listening

Social listening is a process of monitoring social channels and digital media conversations mentioning your business or brand. Marketing strategy uses social listening to tap into the questions, comments, complaints, and conversation surrounding consumer experiences and perspective. This can be...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Top of Funnel Marketing

Top of funnel Marketing refers to the efforts that are used to attract, engage, and build awareness for your business. This is how you will reach out to your target known and unknown audiences and converting them into leads. It’s...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Value Drivers

Value drivers are factors that influence the perceived value of a product or service. These are used to increase the perception of value to add a competitive edge in your market. There is a range of value drivers that can...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Cost Per Impression (CPM)

Cost per impression (CPM) is an agreed upon payment plan for advertisements based on the number of impressions an ad receives. Typically, CPM is calculated based on 1000 impressions. Businesses are charged for each impression, or viewing. These ads do...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Ad Blocking

Ad blocking is a technology that can be used to prevent the download or display of paid marketing and advertisements. Why is Understanding Ad Blocking Important? Ad blocking is a concern for digital marketers as it decreases visibility of ads...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Advertising Network

An advertising network, or ad network, is a company that connects advertisers with channels, websites, and platforms to promote their products, services and brands. Ad networks vary by size and focus. Some media providers offer niche specific ad placements while...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

ALT Text

ALT Text, also called an ALT Tag, is a brief description of a media file in the form of a sentence or a set of keywords. Why is ALT Text Important? Adding ALT text to your image is an important...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary


An autoresponder is used in email marketing that sends automatic messages after a specific trigger (i.e., when someone subscribes, after abandoning a cart, etc.) Why are Autoresponders Important? For any business, using an autoresponder improves the efficiency and effectiveness of...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary


Benchmarking is the measurement of your business process and performance compared against competitors and industry standards. Common factors measured include: quality, time, and costs. You would use benchmarking to analyze success and gain deeper insights on how you compare with...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a person’s ability to recognize or remember your brand. This also impacts consumer behavior by connecting your brand identity to specific products and services. You can increase brand awareness through your marketing efforts, and it can be...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Brand Equity

Brand equity is a marketing term that relates to your brand’s value. When your brand is perceived to be well-known or has strong brand awareness, it will have a more substantial weight. The more people think positively of your brand,...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Buyer Persona

A buyer persona is a representation (sometimes fictitious) of your ideal customer based on research and accurate data at your business. Buyer personas often include: Customer demographics Behavior patterns Motivations Goals I have more details about the background information of...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Call-to-Action (CTA)

A call-to-action (CTA) is a compelling statement or web element that encourages an online audience to take a specific action (i.e. click here, subscribe, buy now, etc.). Business use call-to-actions to strategically attract their target audience to respond to their...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric used to determine the number of people who see an ad and click on it. CTR can be used to determine how effective keywords and ads are performing during a paid marketing campaign. Why...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis is a critical component of establishing a marketing plan by understanding the strengths and weakness of competitors in a market place. Evaluation of competitors can come from various tools and techniques while derived from publically accessible sources....

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of people who take a specific desired action. This is a measurement of success for any marketing campaign. A conversion rate can be calculated for a wide range of campaigns and purposes. Some examples include:...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost per click (CPC), also known as pay per click, is the cost for paid marketing based on the number of clicks on an ad. Why is Cost Per Click Important? Cost per click is important because it determines the...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Market Attribution Models

Marketing attribution models reflect the various touch points, channels, and influences affecting customers with a business. This is an established “model” that outlines the entire journey from initial contact to final sale. It identifies how a customer is introduced to...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Demand Generation

Demand generation is creating interest, want, and desire for your products or services. It encompasses your enter funnel and maintains a constant demand for your offers. And, it addresses non-visible touch points before a lead enters your funnel all the...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Display Ad

A display ad, also known as a banner ad, is a specific type used with paid advertising. It uses an image or motion graphic embedded within web content, in the header or footer of websites, or somewhere in the sidebar....

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Drip Campaign

Drip campaigns, also known as drip marketing, automated email campaign, lifecycle emails, autoresponders, and marketing automation, is a way to nurture leads through a series of messages. Whether by email or other messaging systems, a drip campaign sends a marketing...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a method of promoting products or services via email. It utilizes strategic ideas to build and nurture relationships with potential clients and customers. Why is Email Marketing Important? Email marketing gives you a strategic approach to sharing...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate is a metric that measures how active and involved an audience is with content. It reveals how engaged they are through likes and shares. Why is Engagement Rate Important? The engagement rate is a critical metric used to...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Facebook Analytics

Facebook analytics is vital to improving engagement and reach on social platforms. It provides critical information about the demographics (i.e., age, gender, interests, etc.) to improve Facebook marketing targeting. Why is Facebook Analytics Important? Facebook analytics give you a better...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing is one of the most prominent digital channels to target potential customers. It offers various paid and organic tools to deliver messages and content to grow brand equity, social influence, and revenue. Why is Facebook Marketing Important? Both...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Funnel Velocity

Funnel velocity is the speed at which leads and marketing opportunities move down and out of your funnel. Measuring the rate at which leads pass through a funnel is a fundamental aspect of business planning. Funnel velocity can be measured...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Instagram Ads

Instagram ads promote products and services to reach a broad audience on the Instagram platform. It is often used to promote brand awareness, website traffic, lead generation, and moving current leads down a sales funnel. Why is Instagram Ads Important?...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Instagram Marketing

Instagram marketing is a method of reaching a wide audience on the Instagram platform. It involves both organic and paid marketing techniques to introduce potential buyers to products and services as well as building brand loyalty. Why is Instagram Marketing...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Lead Generation

Lead generation is a method of initiating an audience’s interest or inquiry for products and services. Leads can be used to build lists for email marketing, drive engagement with web pages, sign up for webinars and more. Lead generation is...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is a method of establishing, engaging, and maintaining relationships with potential customers. This is where nurturing a prospect requires ongoing nourishment (i.e. information) before they feel comfortable and confident to buy. Why is Lead Nurturing Important? When someone...

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

Market Attribution

Market attribution is the process of identifying actions (i.e. “Events” or “Touch Points”) that contribute toward the success of your marketing campaigns and a desired outcome. Each action is assigned a value and shapes decision making and modification of campaigns....

Kevin Urrutia | Aug 15, 2024

Digital Marketing Dictionary

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