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Pay-Per-Click for Franchises: 4 Quick Tips for a Better ROI
Running a franchise business is still a business even though its supported by a brand or trademark. That means you’re responsible for its success. In most cases, franchisors support their franchises with already developed marketing campaigns and strategies. However, sometimes,...
What Are The Differences Between SEO (Organic Search) and Pay Per Click?
What is SEO? SEO basically refers to a set of rules or methods that should be followed by website and blog owners to ensure that their website becomes visible to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These approaches can...
The 3 Outperforming Traits of Great Digital Media Buyers
If you’re looking to shift your marketing budget and dive into the chaotic world of digital advertising, you should probably get in touch with a highly crafty digital media buyer. In a world where most of our attention is being...
Revealbot: Leaning on Technology To Scale Our Facebook and Instagram Campaigns
Imagine a software where we could manage all of our ads on Google, Facebook, and Snapchat ads in one interface. Better yet, a software that assists us with automating campaigns so we can spend more time brewing new creatives and...
Amazon: Hitting 270K In Revenue From 49K Ad Spend
Blankie Tails is a client of ours that we helped grow in 3 months from 49k to 270K in revenue. We wanted to breakdown everything our team went through – thinking concepts, strategies, adjustments, and more – to go from...
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