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Facebook Content Marketing Strategy Tips for eCommerce
Content marketing is a great way to get attention and build your brand’s image on Facebook. But you can’t just throw your content out there and expect people to care. You must produce targeted, relevant, and attractive content for your...
Technology Skills That Are Becoming Predominant in Marketing Field
Marketing today has become a safe industry for many technologists and IT specialists. Technology has predominantly changed the landscape of marketing because of its various techniques and tactics that gives success to many marketing strategies. Businesses in this era require...
The Ultimate Guide to Leveraging Facebook Ads
The start of 2018 saw Facebook announce that it would make significant changes to its News Feed algorithm, which emphasized posts from friends and family. Some publishers claim that the change has resulted in their website traffic being cut in...
Instagram Features: Complete List For The Marketing Experts
Trying to keep up with social networking changes can prove to be a challenging task, especially these days when updates are almost weekly. Your current social media marketing strategy mostly needs to change with certain updates. Instagram, at this present...
Five Upcoming Email Marketing Tips Every Digital Marketer Should Know
There was a time when email marketing was the Holy Grail for all digital brands to generate leads. Then came a time when it slowed down as people did not have the time to go through clunky emails, click ten...
How Working With Influencers Can Help Your Facebook Ads
The number of monthly active Facebook users are more than 2.2 billion. So, to start promoting your brand or business, there is not a better social platform than Facebook. Facebook ads give brands the opportunity to post content promoting their...
What Is The Difference Between Customer Support And Customer Service?
What is customer support? You just ordered a t-shirt from Amazon and you totally hate it, so, you hit up the support number on the website. An agent promptly replies to your call – takes down your order details and...
Quick Guide to Making Great Video Ads For Holidays
Holiday season for people means more shopping; for marketers, it translates to increased sales with Facebook ads. But during this season, when every marketer is trying hard to woo the customers to buy from them, what helps some brands stand...
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