The Importance Of Copyright For Businesses


Kevin Urrutia




August 15, 2024

Extensive knowledge of copyright and intellectual property law has become essential to running a business. Several different kinds of statutes protect the many products you will use. Examples include trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and copyright laws. Existing property laws are pretty straightforward, while intellectual property laws have some unique twists. As a business, you will often use the works of others, so you have to make sure you’re doing it legally. Without precise knowledge of copyright law, a content creator could go after you with a legal case. The creative works of your company have to be protected as well, so you wouldn’t have to waste time on the other side of those legal troubles. Here are some of the basics regarding safeguarding your IP and acquiring rights to the work of others.

1. What does it protect?

Copyright protects creative expression that is in a tangible form. If the content you created has been written down or recorded, you can consider it copyrighted most of the time. Copyright supports countless things, including books, movies, photographs, songs, etc. Even blogs are included in this list. If you’re wondering how low the bar for creativity is, you needn’t worry. Anything more creative than a grocery list or phonebook will do. Still, there are limits to copyright protection.

Some things aren’t so quickly copyrighted. You can’t protect abstract ideas. Copyright law doesn’t cover ideas and concepts just as they were written. Things like names, numbers, and titles also aren’t covered. Making up the name of a character in your book doesn’t protect it; it’s up for grabs. Even if you are allowed to preserve some part of your work, there is also a time limit involved. As great as it is, even copyright runs its course. After the copyright expires, it becomes part of the public domain. Content that is in the public domain becomes free to use by anyone.

2. How do you copyright your work?

Copyright protection is granted the moment your pen leaves the paper. Once you’ve created your work, it’s automatically copyright protected. If a group of people works on the same project, it’s automatically shared between that same group unless stated otherwise in an agreement. If you snapped that selfie, it’s yours for good.

Copyright offices grant you the ability to register your copyright, but it isn’t necessary in order to receive copyright protection. Registration serves a different function. Benefits like statutory damages and payment for legal fees are included when registering. These exist if you ever need to court to protect your copyright. Copyright disputes can cost quite a bit. A copyright symbol is excellent, but it’s not a necessity. You don’t have to put it next to your work. Though, it can be a great way to signal to others that they aren’t allowed to use it.

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3. When should you register?

While it isn’t essential, registering your copyright can come in handy if you are working on something with a lot of commercial value. If lots of people try taking your content, the legal fees can accumulate. It’s not easy to find a lawyer to help you protect your work on short notice. Registering your copyright becomes a breeze since one is provided to you.

Some lawyers might consider taking your case on contingency. They will work pro-bono until you win and then take a specific cut. It’s a bit of a risk for the attorney, so willing ones are few and far between. You might be the type that makes content every single day, and this could pose a problem when copyrighting. How do you decide what to register? A YouTube content creator won’t copyright every single video they have. Think practical.

4. Can you register it alone?

We’ve established that registering can be done, but you might wonder how difficult it is. There are legal experts available that can assist you, but it might not be necessary to hire help. In many cases, you can register your copyright on your own. Places like the Copyright Office even have online registration forms. It’s a much more convenient way to write copyright. Instead of filling in forms on paper, you are greeted with several screens asking essential questions regarding your content. You don’t have to appear in person, and you mitigate some of the cost.

Some kinds of content might require some outside help. If, for example, you’re taking part in creating some music, the lines get a bit blurry. Sometimes there are dozens of people working on the same song. Everyone has to be credited, from the writers to the individuals playing instruments. Not to mention the mixing and mastering that is done afterward. For projects like these, it might be wise to set things straight with the assistance of a legal expert, as it can get quite complicated.

5. The duration of the copyright

Copyright is a convenient way to protect your content from being stolen and used by others for profit. However, it doesn’t last indefinitely. The laws in place exist to protect the creator from losing potential profit. After the creator has passed, there is a minimal incentive for the law to cover their work. Still, content copyright lasts for about seventy years after the passing of the creator.

Copyright laws have been changed numerous times, and this affects content that was created in the past. If your work was built before 1978, different rules apply to it. You can expect the copyright to run out sooner the older the content is.

6. Rights of a copyright owner

Besides giving you protection for your work, copyright also offers you several rights regarding the content you create. Six exclusive rights are granted. For starters, you can make any number of copies of your work. You possess a derivative work right, which means you can prepare any new material or adaptations of your work. You are allowed to distribute your work as you please publicly. If the copyrighted content is a play, you can perform it publicly. You can also display your work if it is a visual art form. Last, your sound recordings can be played digitally, on the radio, or on the internet.

The copyright owner and the people they have licensed their work to can only exercise these rights. It would be best if you kept remembering that the content creators are not the copyright holder in every case. Sometimes, film studios or record labels have exclusive rights to the content of their workers.


Savvy business owners recognize why taking care of the intellectual property is essential. Using it can make or break your business venture in the courtroom. As a rule of thumb, using tiny snippets of someone else’s work in a non-competitive way won’t necessarily lead to legal action. If you’re trying to benefit the public, there is some leeway.

Navigating intellectual property disputes can be daunting, especially when disputes lead to litigation. Businesses may find themselves embroiled in costly legal battles that strain financial resources. In such cases, it’s essential to have a strategic approach to manage expenses and potential losses associated with these litigations. Utilizing options like our ability to fund your litigation process can help mitigate the financial burden and streamline the legal journey. Having skilled support on your side ensures you are informed, empowered, and financially supported through every step of protecting your rights.

Taking jobs and using them for commercial gain is where things get tricky. This can harm your business if you aren’t familiar with copyright laws. It’s hard to keep all that knowledge in one place if you aren’t a legal expert, so try to brush up on it occasionally.

Author Bio: David Koller is a passionate blogger and copywriter for Media Gurus, mainly interested in SEO and Digital Marketing.

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