Case Study
Consumer Electronics – Spartan Camera
The Benefits of Raising Your Prices Higher Than Your Competition
Average Order Value
Conversion Rate
The average price for hunting cameras on Amazon is $76 (according to Jungle Scout). Spartan Camera is on the premium end of this, with an AOV of $357.
The conversion rate is 2.6%. This is a similar conversion rate for other outdoor gear and electronic companies we work with. But Spartan Camera’s AOV is so much higher than anyone else that they are so much more profitable. For the same number of purchases as other outdoor gear and electronic companies, Spartan Camera gets more than 5x the ROAS (average a 9.86 ROAS) simply because their AOV is so high.
They can maintain a similar conversion rate because their creatives demonstrate a lot of value. They maintain a high quality standard in their ads and emphasize the benefits very heavily, so their premium pricing is an afterthought, or even works in their favor because the perceived quality is so much higher.
Their CPA is $65 in their prospecting/top-of-funnel ads. If their AOV was $76 like their competitors, they wouldn’t be profitable. While their competition is struggling to turn a profit, Spartan Camera is scaling.

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