Case Study
VHealth Tech – Supplements
Year Over Year Revenue Growth
Revenue Growth
Ad Spend Increase
Conversion Rate Increase
The Problem:
Our Partner VHealth Tech began working with Voy Media a little over a year ago selling only 2 diabetic supplement products and spending a couple of thousand in ad spend per month. During our relationship, we managed to do over $600k revenue in 2020 and are on track to do the same amount in just 6 Months into 2021 which is a huge growth Year On Year.
As we’ve scaled this account and acquired more data we’ve focused on Customer Lifetime Value and have based our scaling metrics on the customer’s repeat purchase behavior. Customer Lifetime Value is the lifeblood of the bottom line profit for any supplement brand
Voy Media Strategy:
Educating the customer on both the Front and Backend
With over a year of gathering data, we found that the messaging that resonated with people that had Diabetes was messaging that focused on reducing blood sugar. One common mistake most supplement companies make is making bold and usually untrue claims, leading to negative customer feedback and increasing Competition Cost on Facebook as the users are having a bad User Experience.
Our strategy was to educate the customer on the natural benefits of the product, as well as this one of V-Health Tech’s company philosophies is that the products aren’t a ‘Solution’ to Diabetes or High Blood Sugar, instead it complements the consumer’s current efforts so if someone has high blood sugar but is eating unhealthily then this isn’t something they can ‘Just take’ and reduce their blood sugar. Conversely, if someone is eating healthily, taking their prescribed doses of insulin can reduce and stabilize their blood sugar and complement their efforts.
WIth any consumable product, especially supplements there is skepticism from the consumer side as to if the product ‘actually works’ or the ‘side effects ‘ of taking the supplement as most of the time the supplement brand is trying to deposition conventional methods of healthcare, being prescribed medicine. This is where testing longer-form (2 – 3 Minuet) videos on the front as well as testing various long-form Sales Letter landing pages worked very well for this brand.
Why Our Long Form Videos Work Well:
Through the Long Form video that we created, we took 2 personas a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman (Around 45 Years Old) as we saw that these demographics were the ones that brought from V-Health Tech the most. Throughout this video, we began with talking about how the personas felt such as ‘Unenegretic’ ‘Low Focus Capability’ ‘Tired most of the time’ as these are common problems that diabetics with high blood sugar face, then we went on to introduce the product and to conclude we walked the audience through a range of different studies that have been done around the product to build consumer trust.
Why The Long Form Sales Letter Landing Pages Work Well:
After people clicked the ad they were directed to a sales letter that we created, this long-form sales letter was a first-person account on how they reduced their blood sugar from 400 to 115 in a matter of only 2 months. The best thing is that it was a long-form sales letter based on a true customer experience! Here we described the customer’s experience and then went on to talk about the timeline of the results when consuming the product on Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 and how they felt week over week. To build more credibility we added a section around many other testimonials from customers that brought from the brand and the results they had. Finally, at the 75% scroll length of the page, we have a Call To Action, and by this time the customer is highly convinced and looks to purchase the product.
The Results:
This is a screenshot of the Year To Date numbers in 2021, we’ve scaled this brand tremendously with a 308% Revenue Increase 200+ % Net Profit increase as well as a 34% CVR increase.
Ads & Landing Pages

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