Case Study
Education – Math Nation
Scaling During COVID19
CPL Decreased
The Problem:
Math Nation is a dynamic online (and printed workbook) resource that helps students master Algebra 1 – the gateway math course that has implications for students’ success in middle/high school and beyond, and one that far too many American middle/high school students fail to master.
To scale efficiently and grow, this edtech company needed help quickly scaling during COVID19 to provide online schooling for kids, parents, and teachers.
They also needed help with optimizing their landing pages and funnel.
Voy Media’s Strategy:
After a CRO audit, we applied and suggested a few changes to help with their landing pages.
Website Optimizations:
Learn More Page (
- Change the headline “Welcome To Math Nation!” to “Click Below To Get FREE ACCESS To Math Nation Now!”
- Place the District Admin and Teacher Access buttons where the COVID-19 Update box is currently
- If the COVID 19 box is not required, we suggest removing it because it looks like a typical website warning box that most people ignore
- Move the video below the page fold to ensure you don’t distract visitors in wanting to click and play the video. Remember, we want to guide people’s action and that is to click on the registration box
Get Access Page (
- Change the headline “Get School or….” to “Congrats! You’re Only 1 Step Away To Math Nation for FREE!”
- Ensure the form shows up above the page fold. Visitors know to fill out a form when they see one. All the text above acts as a barricade for them to get to the form. We suggest moving that below the form after and condense the copy where possible.
- We understand there will be a separate District and Teachers page coming soon, so we don’t mind looking at it again before it goes live.
Mobile Optimization:
- Vasty majority of your traffic comes from mobile, it is crucial that your mobile user experience is optimized. In addition to the suggestions above, please also consider the following:
- The logo section currently takes up more than 1/4 of the real estate. This should be reduced to less than 10% if possible (no taller than the hamburger symbol)
- Currently, when you click the hamburger sign, nothing shows up on the side panel. All the section link buttons should be hidden. This way the new Admin and Teacher access buttons will show on the screen without any scrolling
The Results:
Facebook Ads results:
We managed to scale spend efficiently to $2,000 – $3,000 per day while decreasing the cost per lead by 34.5%.
High-quality images, different format testing, and videos in line with the shared messaging were the ones successfully converting customers.
Key Takeaways for Brands:
Some of the best content here was videos of teachers talking about how helpful the program was. This was great user-generated content that has performed well for this brand and a few others as well.

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